Claustrophobia grass

I just finished semi watching this last night. Sadly all the tall grass made me freak out and jump through most of the movie. Actually I wiki'ed it and read the ending so I didn't have to watch the whole thing. Boring but great if you like tall grass.


How can you call it boring if it frightened you enough to skip through the film?


Huh? Clearly he skipped through it because he was bored. Not frightened.
I did the same.


"all the tall grass made me freak out"


Wow. What a post...……..


This should be horrifying for a lot of Fathers. Dads typically are all about a well kept lawn.


It could have been shorter, paused about 50 minutes in and was surprised that was only halfway. If they cut 10-12 minutes it would help the pacing. The dad going psycho didn't really make sense in context of the plot and felt like it was added to liven things up, which it did, but also took away some of the horror of wandering around lost until you just die. I would compare this to movies where people are stuck in the water and eventually sharks come.


So... worth watching?


Personally, I liked it and found it worth watching. I can see myself watching it again one day and I'm not one to watch a film twice if I don't like it.

It can be a dark movie, so I highly recommend you watch it in the dark. Also, there are parts where you can't hear some people, so turn it up a bit.


I'm so JEALOUS of you!

You start watching a horror movie and get scared by it and stop watching?

Are you crazy? That's the best that you're scared! It's a horror. It's kinda the point.

I WISH horror movies scared me. I like being scared, but it's extremely rare for me to be afraid of anything. Really, at most, I get a little uncomfortable once every few years. I'm never afraid though.

Maybe I'm desensitized. I watched horror movies as a baby in my dad's knee and had a violent childhood so that may be why.
