So I dont understand why el lost her powers... is there a reason?
shareIt's a psychological block. Her abilities were still working after she got bitten and smacked around so it wasn't a physical injury. I'd compare the issue to Tiger Woods losing his ability to golf, or a major league power hitter suddenly striking out almost every time at bat (which happens for a while sometimes). The talent is still there but for whatever reason they can't make it work.
Personally, I think El is sick and tired of being different. She's enjoyed shopping with Max and doing all the things normal kids do for the first time. So she's subconsciously suppressing the one quality that makes her abnormal. She may not consciously want her powers gone, but at some level she's probably a little relieved and that's why it's happening. At least this is my take on it.
I dunno, seems like all the fighting took the strength out of her. Her powers are not infinite. She must rest both physically and mentally.
shareFirst she couldn't crush the Coke can. Then, three months later, she still wasn't able to use her powers and Mike reassured her they'd come back. This is a more long term thing. Recovering from "drained batteries" after unusually strenuous or lengthy use of her abilities only takes a few hours.
shareWell, she was on a brink of death and her dad died (allegedly) to protect her, so I'm sure it would take some time to come to terms with it. That's why I mentioned mental rest too. Her powers are kinda interesting since its not just plain Telekinesis or Telepathy. I think she very much is tied to the Upside Down in one way or another, that's why she stumbled upon her 1st first Demogorgon in season 1 by using the blackwater space to locate and eavesdrop on people.
I'm more curious how she survived in the Upside Down for so long between Season 1 and Season 2 w/o Mindflayer taking notice of her?
She came back from the other side almost immediately, remember? First episode of season 2. She went to Mike's house and the government people were there interviewing him. He saw her through the window (and probably convinced himself later he'd imagined it), the agents seemed to notice that he saw something, and Eleven had to run away.
Hopper and Joyce walked around over there for a while. Will spent about a week in the Upside Down. The Mind Flayer is an enormous hive spread across who knows how many other worlds. Think of it like the Borg. If you don't actually disturb it in some significant way you're beneath its notice. It may not have been aware of that one demogorgon's activities during the first season at all, at least not at the time. Assimilated creatures are "free" when it's not using them and behave as individual animals - spend too much time in the open over there and you're likely to stumble into a hungry demogorgon looking for lunch.
I don't think those things can actually see. They seem to have no eyes. Perpetual night is their native environment so it's not too surprising. The noises they make are probably some kind of sonar, which might let them see you at close range, but further away they could look straight in your direction and never know you were there ... as long as you stayed still and quiet. Find cover and avoid making noise and you should be able to elude them indefinitely. Oh and don't cut yourself. They can also smell blood like a shark. Will hid for days, but gave himself away by singing to stay awake.
El doesn't seem to get her abilities from the Upside Down. It's just that she's able to see through, and reach across, the barrier between dimensions. Maybe she could access other less dangerous worlds too. But when your powers are literally all in your head, mental and emotional issues could definitely affect your ability to use them.