Cast got ugly!

Hard to watch. Puberty’s a bitch.


It seems to me that the OP (and his supporters) have not learned one of life's most fundamental truths. Looks are not important. Physical appearance isn’t everything. It’s how you carry yourself. I’d rather someone love me for my personality and knowledge than my looks. Carry yourself with respect, confidence and kindness, all will be well. You see people talking bad about a pretty face with an ugly personality, but you never see people talking bad about someone who has an awesome personality but a below average appearance. As you grow older, you really realize, your physical appearance really DOESN’T MATTER.


The cast didn't "get ugly". The cast grew up!!!


could give ricky gervais' Afterlife cast a run for its money


MBB is highly bangable now, so is Sadie Sink.


Cast got ugly? No.
Cast got older? Yes.



Pedophile alert
