^This. I’ve seen about 2 episodes, because I was stuck in the hospital and had few options, but no series can go as long as Supernatural and not be as tempting as maggot bread. They created euthanasia for a reason.
FYI, the phrase is “back in the old days,” which makes sense. “Back in the day” is the ignorant ghetto (please excuse the redundancy) version, and I know that you are anything but ignorant, only misinformed by our troglodyte-driven Internet.
Dude it has only 25 episodes so far. That is only one season worth of a network show. This show has a lot of life yet. Stop being pessimistic for a minute and realize it hasn't gotten bad at all. In fact it's getting better.
They had plans for either a four or potentially five season arc, but no longer than that. The show has a definite endpoint. You really couldn't extend it much longer anyway - the kids are already in the 15 to 17 range now, and several of them are branching out into movies. It will be increasingly harder (both scheduling and cost wise) to reunite this cast with every passing year.
I don't care about that. I wouldn't have been able to deal with anyone else's death, and I am sure there are bigger fans than I who'd have been even more affected.
I evaluate the show based on how enjoyable it is, whether it successfully grabbed AND help my interest, on the quality of the acting, the dialogue, etc.
This is one of the most enjoyable cinematic creations of all time.
Just like movies, the shorter the better, the less I see the more left for my imagination, it applies to everything, any art. Stranger Things is one of those shows that deserved to be made as one season only, it overstayed its welcome in the first ep of the second season already. I love this series too much to watch more of the same diluted while gradually losing authenticity and believability, 1st season stood perfectly as the start and the end, everything else would be just repeating itself, and it did since then, once again second season following the main formula of the 1st season, the same basic style, music, nostalgia, nothing that justified the series to continue. I stopped watching other seasons, unless it changes completely, whether it is different main characters, structure of storytelling, different creators of the show, style, etc. So far I've already seen the end of the show.
I have seen only that the Duffer Bros. confirmed shooting would begin on season 4 sometime this fall. Still no official renewal from Netflix but ... seriously folks, their number one show. No firm indication of whether this would be the final season though. Unless you've read something I haven't.
They've made conflicting statements as to whether it would be four or five. The only consistent thing they've said is that it definitely wouldn't be any more than that. Which is why I was asking. A firm commitment would be a change. If next season really is the end, the upcoming Netflix announcement will probably say so.