MovieChat Forums > San Andreas Quake (2015) Discussion > Is there anybody else who liked it?

Is there anybody else who liked it?

I actually liked the film. Well the premise at-least. The actors did pretty well and even though the CGI was horrible and sometimes unbelievable this still had a lot of potential to do good if more funds were put into it. Well that is what I felt. It really does not deserve a 2.4 rating.


i didn't think it was too horrible, i mean it is not going to win any awards but why can't people just enjoy a movie for what it is. It is an Asylum movie so people's expectations should not be high to begin with. I think the actors did what they could with what they were given and top notch CGI is very very expensive, and sometimes way out of a movies budget, so that should be taken into consideration. The biggest problem I had believe it or not was the two driving around in an earthquake doomed city with no seatbelts. Pretty sure I would have mine on pretty tight.


i didn't think it was too horrible, i mean it is not going to win any awards but why can't people just enjoy a movie for what it is. It is an Asylum movie so people's expectations should not be high to begin with. I think the actors did what they could with what they were given and top notch CGI is very very expensive, and sometimes way out of a movies budget, so that should be taken into consideration. The biggest problem I had believe it or not was the two driving around in an earthquake doomed city with no seatbelts. Pretty sure I would have mine on pretty tight.


I enjoyed it. It kept my attention.
People complain a lot about these kind of low budget films.
It had horrible cgi, bad continuity , etc etc , but it was entertaining nonetheless.
Actors weren't that bad either .


Up until the baby hippo, the movie was just mediocre, but not that bad. The baby hippo, however, makes this movie go 12 on the Richter scale, and as we all know, since IMDB doesn't do scores above 10, that means you end up with a 2 :P


No, you're not the only one who liked it.. But a lot of people propably downloaded the movie thinking it was the Rock's San andreas.

With the budget they had I think they did a pretty good job for a tv-movie.
It's an Asylum movie so what do you expect? and with going in expecting nothing I always seem to enjoy Asylum movies most of the time, sometimes even more than those big budget blockbuster movies which have 100+ millions of dollars to spend, years in the making and are still big pieces of crap.


OT, but @ all knowing Asylum, get this: Just stumbled upon one of 'em which seems ...different!!

imdb: 6,3
Rotten Tommatoes: 100% fresh (ok its just 9 votes, 7,2 / 10 avg.
BUT: 56% audience!! How's that even possible, what went wrong (or right)?

Now everyone knowing Asylum won't believe me, neither do I actually, but it seems real:

Need to check this one out, immediately! cant be.


Its a dumb movie that doesn't pretend anything, have to give some credit for that.


Actually it was so bad it actually was good. I laughed a lot (at the serious parts) and took satisfaction that if I wanted, I could do a better job with my home video camera and the kids next door!
