The only reason people think the Democrats want to take away everyone's guns is because they read FAKE NEWS on the internet that was designed to fool people into voting for Trump.
Even Trump's own people knew no one would vote for him, so they made up insane stories about how Hillary was going to take everyone's guns. People got scared, and they were duped into voting for Trump. Those are called "low information voters," which is basically a nicer way of saying Republican.
Hillary did NOT want to take your guns, and if she wins the recount she won't take them. She'd only take away assault rifles, because no one should have one of those to shoot deer and rabbits, as well as high capacity magazines because that is what mass shooters use. Hillary would also ban machine guns because there is no reason people need fully automatic weapons to go hunting.
Those are COMMON SENSE reforms that will keep everyone safe while still allowing people to enjoy hunting and skeet shooting. America is built on compromise!
Hillary wanted to reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban that her husband got passed which made it so certain features on a gun were illegal. She also said the Supreme Court was wrong on the Heller decision which had to do with the right for people to keep a handgun in their home (she then lied that the case was about child safety). She also said the incredibly restrictive gun laws in the UK and Australia are "worth looking at". So yes, she wanted to take away guns in a backhanded manner. Gun control enthusiasts realized long ago that they can never outright ban guns, so they constantly try to impose new restrictions on them. That's what we've been seeing in California recently with so many ridiculous new laws, like having to pass a background check just to buy ammo. A totally pointless law that will do nothing to stop crime or straw purchases since bullets aren't serialized.
Rush Limbaugh coined the phrase "low information voter" and he wasn't referring to conservatives.
As to clinton and her intent to take guns away, you need to do research instead of democrat party talking points. clinton is on tape wanting to put into place Australia's form of gun control, which was confiscation.
Oh please, we think that's what they want because it's what they want. This is nothing new and was present long before Trump decided to run for president.
Your post is littered with the kind of ignorance we've come to expect from you people. Even those who lobby to get these asinine laws passed.
The term "assault rifle", is the correct term for light rifles chambered in intermediate cartridges and capable of full automatic fire. The Germans created the first with the STG44 during WWII. The American M16 and Russian AK47 are examples of proper assault rifles. Such full auto or selective fire weapons have been controlled by the National Firearms Act of 1934. Since the NFA of 1934, individuals wishing to own a full auto firearm (all classified as "machinegun") have been required to submit fingerprints, full documentation and $200 for a tax stamp to be approved directly by the ATF. Since 1986, no new machineguns could be registered so whatever was in circulation at that time is all there will be. All that said, the number of legal machineguns that have been used in crimes in the last 80yrs is negligible.
What morons like yourself have done is to apply that proper term improperly to the semi-automatic versions of those rifles. Which look "evil" to the uninitiated but are functionally no different from other, less imposing sporting rifles. This propaganda is used by the left to make the ignorant believe that these mass shootings are being done with machineguns. Which is patently false.
The term "assault weapon" is the sole creation of liberal idiots hell bent on banning something they do not understand. It's strictly a propaganda tool designed to fool those who do not know any better. You demonize something you have no understanding of. You love to refer to us as "low info voters" but your ignorance is staggering.
The Constitution of the United States does not protect our right to own firearms for the sake of hunting or skeet shooting. When it comes to the Bill of Rights, there is NO compromise.
What these liberal snowflakes can't understand, is that no matter what laws they introduce, it would NEVER deter someone from acquiring firearms, if they're absolutely dead set in committing whatever criminal act they intend. Case in point: the Orlando shooter. He had a full background check, multiple interviews, and security clearance all the way up to NSA and DHS standards, which meant absolutely squat in the aftermath. Chicago has an all out ban, yet it doesn't prevent an average of 60-80 firearm related crimes on a slow weekend? The Dems want to repeal the 2nd Amendment for one reason only….INSURRECTION!