MovieChat Forums > Miss Sloane (2016) Discussion > Hillary was NOT trying to take away your...

Hillary was NOT trying to take away your guns

The only reason people think the Democrats want to take away everyone's guns is because they read FAKE NEWS on the internet that was designed to fool people into voting for Trump.

Even Trump's own people knew no one would vote for him, so they made up insane stories about how Hillary was going to take everyone's guns. People got scared, and they were duped into voting for Trump. Those are called "low information voters," which is basically a nicer way of saying Republican.

Hillary did NOT want to take your guns, and if she wins the recount she won't take them. She'd only take away assault rifles, because no one should have one of those to shoot deer and rabbits, as well as high capacity magazines because that is what mass shooters use. Hillary would also ban machine guns because there is no reason people need fully automatic weapons to go hunting.

Those are COMMON SENSE reforms that will keep everyone safe while still allowing people to enjoy hunting and skeet shooting. America is built on compromise!




HC wanted to overturn the PLCAA allowing manufacturers to be sued for criminal use. Smaller mag sizes are less prone to jamming. Fully automatic weapons are ridicously hard to get and likewise, priced way out of the range of ordinary gun owners.


There is no compromise with Queen Bitch Hillary and her minions.


Stfu we already have laws on the books

Fix Chicago lib

Lol Hillary isn't ever going to be President


Hillary is just trying to do what's right for you and other people, even if you don't realize it.

You're in for a rude awakening in 2020 when Hillary gets sweet, sweet revenge on Donald Trump and wins the election, ushering in a new era of truth, transparency and common sense after four years of absolute madness.


"truth, transparency and common sense" not equal any of that to Hillary.


wow, libtard, are you delusional.

Hillary will not even be alive by 2020 after parkinson's grabs her in about a year.

You Hillary supporters are something special and hilarious, I gotta tell you. Beyond denial...just total insanity.

I love it that you get up every single day in your "rude awakening" that will never end, because you obviously did not learn the last time.


Trump will also likely not be alive to survive his 4 years, either due to his impending diabetes or an assassination.

FYI - Nothing she said made her sound delusional or insane, but your reaction does. Trump is a joke and is already screwing up before he's even entered the office. He's a moron who called out Obama for not attending intelligence briefings, but won't attend any himself. It's so ironic to me republicans chastised Hillary for being a liar when everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie.

I'm sure you feel validated now but you won't when Russia uses Trump like the puppet he is and strips away your American freedom  Internet censorship should be on its way soon too. Type up those "libtard" jokes while you can. 



Sorry, libtard


Neither Hillary nor Trump have any right to tell me what is best for me, People have the right to decide that for themselves, good or bad. Also, no way she's running in 2020, though the DNC has clearly learned nothing.


I decide what is right for me.

Hillary's Parkinsons disease will have her in a care facility 23/7 by 2020, if she is even still alive.


Hillary probably has Alzheimer's and by 2020 wont be fit to leave her mansion let alone run for President.


The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. It's about self-defense and protecting ourselves from big government. Americans have the right to own any type of firearm they want.


Clinton wanted to make it more difficult to purchase firearms and to further restrict the set of firearms which may be purchased.

It equates to another loss of freedom.

 Entropy ain't what it used to be.


Krypt, the Second Amendment's purpose is not for hunting game.

And Clinton DID want to take away everybody's guns, she and Obama would do it in a heart beat if they were able.


Ironically, Klinton and Obummer will go down in history as the greatest gun salesmen ever. Gun dealers thrived under their rule and went out of business under Bush. But hey, why let numbers get in the way of your beliefs.

This movie was timed to be released right after Hillarity's election. Oh SNAP!

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


First you say she won't take away guns, but then you say she will take away rifles. So which is it? You call a Trump supporter "low information", but you just posted a response that wasn't even thought out. How can you have both?

And Americans don't compromise with Communist traitors like you.


Utterly ignorant post. First, most people look at the voting records of politicians and their actual quotes. because you leftists settle for second hand news does not mean the rest of us do.

The Obama regime repeatedly pushed for legislation to ban magazines over ten rounds. Ban certain ammo. Create a new "Assault Weapons Ban". Add taxes. Create Universal Background checks, which require universal registration to be effective. These are actual legislative efforts, not subject to your interpretation and Spin.

And look, there it is: Your admission that is exactly what you people want. First, the 2nd Amendment isn't about hunting. Second, select fire weapons ahve been strictly licensed for 80 years and the few thousand available cost in the tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Third, you can't even define "assault weapon", but what you picture in your mind, the AR15, is used in hunting all the time, everywhere all over the US.

You do not define common sense. What you imagine is common sense is actually ignorance, at best. The United States was built on a refusal to compromise. And unabashed striving to achieve the most possible and build the greatest nation. You can take your efforts to tear it down and haul your ass to Europe or Mexico or where ever else your type is desired. We are done with you here.
