MovieChat Forums > Overlord (2018) Discussion > This was bad *potential spoilers*

This was bad *potential spoilers*

The trailers made this look really thrilling and action packed. Instead what I saw was an uninspired, boring and dull war film with a tiny bit of zombie horror in there. It's not scary, it's not suspenseful and the attempts at comic relief fall flat. A lot of the film is spent inside a house with paper thin characters just making absolutely dumb decisions just to get the movie rolling forward. At only 110 minutes this felt long and you honestly wonder when the flesh-eating monsters are actually going to show up and when they finally do it's too little too late.

If you're promising a genre shift in your film to horror at least make that element good. Instead you get 80 minutes of dull wartime drama with a couple of weak jump scares and a final 30 minutes of over the top, predictable silliness with awful one liners and a lame villain who monologues too much.

The opening scene with the paratroopers jumping from the plane was quite intense and had good CGI and sound design, as did most of the film but that was about all it had going for it. This had the potential to be so much better, it could have been the next Bone Tomahawk, a film that worked as both a western and a horror whereas Overlord fails as a genre blend of war and horror and instead delivers a dull and unmemorable film with one note characters and very few thrills or scares.



Says you.


Just my opinion, everyone has different tastes. The effects team did great work as did the sound designers and the actors did well with what they had to work with. It's all let down by a script full of cliches and a director who struggles to even pull off an effective jump scare. Plus I really went in expecting to love it considering the reviews and the trailer, it looked like Wolfenstein the movie. If it weren't for The Nun and The Predator this would be the biggest disappointment of the year for me.


You nailed him with that one.


When I first saw the trailers I thought they were an ad for a video game.


Agree completely. Was really excited about this movie but it was exactly as you described. 80% war drama with 20% zombie mutants. I don’t even really remember the scenes with them because there was so few of them


It was flawed, but overall good. 7/10. Worst part was the unprofessional soldiers.


Meh kinda liked it, the movie is what it is, doesnt pretend to be anything bigger. Just a decent action flick


I agree. It was pretty bad The main problem for me was the behavior of the characters -- making stupid, illogical decisions, not behaving like soldiers in a combat zone would behave, acting like spoiled millenials instead of self-sacrificing WWII-era soldiers etc. It jerks you right out of the movie when you see that. Pretty quickly I was rooting for a disciplined Nazi squad to kill them all.
