Does Jazz's mom think she's important now?
I think the attention is getting to her head
shareHer only claim to fame is her daughter Jazz.
shareAnd she's gonna ride that train for all its worth
shareYep seems like it.
Before they went to that race course when deciding team names the mom says "Team Jazz", but they settled on "Rainbow" something. Her entire world seems to be centered around Jazz. I kind of feel sorry for the twins for not getting the same amount of attention. The mom seems like she has gotten a taste of fame so everything now, everything, has to be centered around Jazz.
You feel sorry for the twins but if Jazz was a "REAL" girl, as you'd put it, you'd prolly be like, "Well them 2 boys gotta learn that's life when you got a little sis! SHE is the queen!"
There are some ppl who totally regard trans girls AS GIRLS, even though you are not one of them, there are ppl who see trans girls as REAL girls.
Even if Jazz was a biological 'cis' girl (as you put it) and the mom was still acting the same way I would say that was pretty messed up, and that she was still paying too much attention to her. I mean the mom seems to make everything about Jazz. I actually feel sorry for Jazz too. I am sure like most teenagers she just wants to do her own thing and not be the constant focus of parental attention.
And I see her as a girl - a transgirl. She is not a biological 'cis' girl. Just because I don't agree that she is a 'REAL' girl, doesn't mean I believe she deserves hate / scorn...
I just believe in calling a spade a spade. She is transgirl, not a real girl. But it is her life, not mine, so I cannot judge. However, biologically speaking she is not a real girl. That is all I am saying.
Bio doesn't equal and gender are 2 separate things... By gender Jazz is 100% GIRL, so she is a REAL girl. Genetically she is not a real female, but that's irrelevant to her gender.
But as I see it, she is a GIRL in every way that matters or that is relevant.
On what planet does biology not equal real?
Biology in the sense you are talking about may be REAL, but it is irrelevant to Jazz's Gender.... Jazz's gender is FEMALE, so Jazz is a FEMALE in the gender sense. Gender does not equal SEX. In the SEX sense Jazz is male. Sex is determined by chromosomes and anatomy, GENDER is determined by the brain, it's what gives you your gender identity.
I'm saying her Male genetic sex is virtually irrelevant to her daily live, HOW is she a male in any way that matters really?
And even when it comes to Biological Sex... CHROMOSOMES are not the determine-all. Even biological sex is divided into different categories... 1. You have Chromosomal sex, 2. There is Anatomical Sex. 3. There is Hormonal Sex.... Sometimes these things don't even match up, if chromosomes told the whole story, Jamie Lee Curtis SHOULD be considered a MAN! And since your brain IS part of your biology, in that sense Jazz IS a biological female, b/c her brain is FEMALE. If you could only see Jazz's brain and only have that to go by, you'd see FEMALE neurons firing, you'd see female thought patterns and you'd conclude that this person is likely a female who posses such brain.
And for ppl who keep saying, "You cannot never change your sex!" Actually that's not entirely true, As I said bio sex itself is divided into different categories, TRUE you cannot change your chromosomes, but as pointed out, chromosomes do not tell the whole story, BUT you can change your hormonal sex, Jazz's estrogen levels will be identical to any other woman's.
So it's circular to call Jazz a GUY based on things that she cannot change, b/c I can just as easily call her a girl based on things she CAN change.
It really boils down to CONCEPTS. If we want to conceptualize that being a WOMAN in the social and/or neurological sense is SEPERATE from being a female in the biological sense, we CAN do that! After all SOMEONE had to conceptualize that having a vagina+XX Chromosomes makes you a woman and dictates She/Her pronouns. It's not like it's an intrinsic fact that was somehow empeircally ingrained into the universe. If we conceptualize that the criteria of being a woman or a man is IDENTIFYING as a woman or man, SO IT IS!
Make sure that the "biology" actually says what you THINK it says, b/c the majority of the medical, psychiatric community and the American Psychiatric Association all seem to disagree with you at this point, AND even in schools the difference between Gender Identity and Genetic Sex is being taught, that it IS your Gender Identity that makes you a man or a woman...and that is a separate thing from being genetically a male or a female, it is your DNA and anatomy that determines your genetic sex.
There are places you can go and learn about this stuff. But if you have a mind that cannot be changed...or WILL NOT be changed, it's kinda pointless. But at the end of the day progress will continue to MOVE FORWARD and decisions in the medical and psychiatric communities will be made based on findings, studies, etc....not someone screaming, "If you got a dick you're a man!"
Jazz is an exceptionally beautiful young Woman, and I wish her well in her journey. I'm a Woman, and I know my gender: Whatever her physical "Covering", JAZZ IS A GIRL.
Aren't the Teen Years horrible enough, without having to put up with idiots and bullies tormenting her 24-7?
And NO, SHE DIDN'T "ASK FOR IT". She isn't "PRETENDING", and dressing her in fatigues and sending her to Marine Boot Camp "To make a MAN of her" won't work either.
Too Many kids are dying because of Bullying and Bashing. PLEASE let Jazz bloom and grow in her OWN way.
JS (Proud member of PFLAG)
I do hope he won't upset Henry...
Thanks for your comment, having someone here who GETS it and understands is refreshing :)
You feel sorry for the twins but if Jazz was a "REAL" girl, as you'd put it, you'd prolly be like, "Well them 2 boys gotta learn that's life when you got a little sis! SHE is the queen!"
It is a reality, girls TYPICALLY get coddled and spoiled a little bit more than boys... In our culture ppl want to "MAKE MEN" out of boys practically as soon as they are born, and there is the expectation to BE TOUGH, be the protector, the provider, etc.... But many parents think it's ok and even cute to spoil and pamper girls.
Like I was talking about I worked with a girl who said, "I HOPE I have a girl so I can spoil the crap out of her, if I have a boy he will toe the line and LEARN how to spoil girls!"
With Jazz there are several reasons why she gets most of the attention, 1. She is trans, that brings with it a LOT of special circumstances, 2. she is a girl and parents typically do spoils girls more, 3 she is the youngest.
It is a reality, girls TYPICALLY get coddled and spoiled a little bit more than boys... In our culture ppl want to "MAKE MEN" out of boys practically as soon as they are born, and there is the expectation to BE TOUGH, be the protector, the provider, etc.... But many parents think it's ok and even cute to spoil and pamper girls.
Like I was talking about I worked with a girl who said, "I HOPE I have a girl so I can spoil the crap out of her, if I have a boy he will toe the line and LEARN how to spoil girls!"
With Jazz there are several reasons why she gets most of the attention, 1. She is trans, that brings with it a LOT of special circumstances, 2. she is a girl and parents typically do spoils girls more, 3 she is the youngest.
Jazz's mom is the new mama June Shannon, (minus the major weight issues and hillbilly lifestyle/relationship issues) living off of her 'daughter's' fame & TLC reality show. (Or more like the Boca Raton version of Mama June, or a Dance Mom. lol)
share"If Jazz matures and moves away, the mother will have a breakdown, leave her husband and maybe become an alcoholic."
I am waiting for Jazz's "Mommie Dearest" book coming out in about fifteen years. I am sure that there is more to that household than is being told.
I am waiting for Jazz's "Mommie Dearest" book coming out in about fifteen years.
Jazz did not make any "life-changing" decision at the age of 4... the only transition that transgender children undergo is SOCIAL transtion, things such as, dress, behavior, maybe going by a different name and different pronouns.. those are NOT life changing things.
If every parent took to heart every fleeting, wild idea that their 4 year olds say, you'd see a lot of parents enrolling their kids in the police academy, getting a radioactive spider to bite their child so they can be a super hero and other crazy things.
I'm really thinking that I should write out a Transgender 101 topic, because so many people show up here who have extremely inaccurate ideas about what being transgender means, what the medical and scientific consensus on trans people is, what treatments are used and why, etc. When people want to compare being trans to wanting to be Spider-Man, further education is definitely needed.
shareYou should! We need as much education as we can get on this topic. The sad thing is many ppl, with their preconceived notions would likely not bother to read it...many, sadly, think changing their mind is a bad thing. But thankfully they are not the ones who are running this show. Scientists, therapists doctors the med. and psychiatric community where it is all about MINDS CHANGING as new information comes in to consider.
shareSo you guys really think that every 4 year old that says something to their mom about the opposite sex is transgender? You gotta take some of that with a grain of salt. 4 year olds say a lot of goofy stuff. You can't take it all to heart. I remember around that age I wanted to be a dog because I thought it would be cool to have a tail. Does that mean I'm trans species? My mom didn't whisk me off to try to find a doctor that would agree with that diagnosis and help in my transition. That would've been a life changing decision at that age. No, my mom assumed it was stupid 4 year old stuff...which it was.
I think Jazz's mom loves the spotlight and loves being told what a great mom she is because she's so accepting and encouraging of Jazz's lifestyle. I think she wanted another daughter. I think she took the ramblings of a 4 year old as deadly serious.
Look at some of the other evidence. At one point Jazz said she was attracted to boys because that's what a girl is attracted to, right? Then she said she was pansexual and now she says she's not sure who or what she's attracted to. It sounds like someone who's really confused about who and what they are.
Jazz has also been infatuated with having boobs for a while. She wants bigger ones, better shaped ones etc. She is preoccupied and fascinated with boobs. That sounds an awful lot like a teenage boy.
Not every case but in SOME it is. I'm convinced that Jazz IS transgender, not merely an effeminate boy.. SOME boys are happy being effeminate boys, other are transgender girls. Jazz IS a transgender girl.
Look at some of the other evidence. At one point Jazz said she was attracted to boys because that's what a girl is attracted to, right? Then she said she was pansexual and now she says she's not sure who or what she's attracted to. It sounds like someone who's really confused about who and what they are.
So you guys really think that every 4 year old that says something to their mom about the opposite sex is transgender?
I think Jazz's mom loves the spotlight and loves being told what a great mom she is because she's so accepting and encouraging of Jazz's lifestyle. I think she wanted another daughter. I think she took the ramblings of a 4 year old as deadly serious.
Mom had already been able to make so many inroads for me, and she had a good relationship with my teacher, and the idea of having to start all over somewhere else was too much—even after Mom started hearing rumors that some of the other parents were saying they didn’t think what she was allowing me to do was right. Even worse, some were saying she had actually wanted a little girl instead of a boy. They were gossiping that she was forcing me to believe I was a girl, when in reality it was the complete opposite—I had been the one trying to convince her.
Look at some of the other evidence. At one point Jazz said she was attracted to boys because that's what a girl is attracted to, right? Then she said she was pansexual and now she says she's not sure who or what she's attracted to. It sounds like someone who's really confused about who and what they are.
Jazz has also been infatuated with having boobs for a while. She wants bigger ones, better shaped ones etc. She is preoccupied and fascinated with boobs. That sounds an awful lot like a teenage boy.
And a lot of teenage boys do really like breasts, but I don't think many would be very happy if they suddenly had a pair growing out of their chest.
I think this really says it all.
Yep that is how it goes!!! And of course it's only focused on trans WOMEN... Trans men do not exist after all lol
sharePossibly due to all of the above reasons are why Jazz (mentioned here and there in this season's early episodes) had isolated herself from the family. No doubt she is going through quite a few hormonal changes from the medical treatments she is receiving; but, her mother is doting on her constantly, not allowing this young girl to have a moment to at least breathe.
shareWhy is she telling Jazz how many men she had sex with....
.....Why is she telling Jazz how many men she had sex with?
I tell ya, there is something really wrong with Jazz's mother, as most of us have noticed all along.
Exactly! We never see the sister, except for that obstacle course. She probably is staying clear away. The mom is nuts.
shareIt definitely went to her plumped lips!
shareThe mother is a complete wack job whose only validation in her world comes from having every private moment of her teenager's life exposed on camera be it her puberty or medical history or that they got crank calls. I don't see how Jazz has energy for school work or friends when she constantly is forced to play this transgender spokesperson role.
Janettes parents are also over involved in her life.
I heard Jazz just wanted to the original special and maybe a once a year update not the tv series but her mother pressured her into it.
Why do we sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame when we're already there?