What a sad state of affairs

Ghostbusters 2016 was awful because it was a Melissa McCarthy Film, Ghostbusters fans weren't allowed to say it was awful because it was a Melissa McCarthy Film because thats totally sexist dawg.

So Ghostbusters fans made up excuses to avoid the sexist label and now a movie was made based on those excuses when the real answer was 4 airhead 21st century political hack women arent as funny as the guy who made Animal House and Caddyshack teaming with the two biggest names in SNL History.

So now Ghostbusters fans have to pretend to like Paul Rudd's Stranger Things secluded with School Children. Be like me and just watch Ghostbusters 2 until the day you die and you'll be much happier.


Or better yet, play the 2009 Ghostbusters game. That’s the real Ghoatbusters 3, it was even written by Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis.

Afterlife wasn’t that bad, but it was aimed at children which was a mistake. It’s still better than the 2016 movie though.


i was very lucky to be alive at the time ghostbusters 2 was released. it was a huge major event and all the cast returned that needed to. it wasn't as good as the original but there were many scenes that captured that magic again pretty closely. back then i loved the whole movie as well as the soundtrack. part 3 is the video game movie and it is very satisfying and proof a live action part 3 with the originals would have worked any time.


One of my first memories in life was going to see Ghostbusters 2 in theaters with my grandparents at our local Mall and yes you are correct it was absolutely huge which is why i still remember it from when i was only 4 years old. When i see people dragging it down now i know they weren't there in that special time in history.


I was there. It wasn't that great.


Ok Boomer


It's obvious we are roughly the same age dipshit, which would disqualify from being a boomer.


Oh man, that's pretty funny. What's never funny is how people use the word boomer as an insult. Still, it is nice to read about people's enjoyment of the second film, even if it is subpar in relation to the first one. It was a funny movie, and it did recapture some of the magic of the first one (mostly due to the chemistry of the cast) but it wasn't a good movie. Sometimes when people look back on things with nostalgia they have a hard time realizing that things (while deeply loved by them) weren't all that good.


It was ok as a kid, but it's deeply flawed and doesn't hold up very well. And you are right, it doesn't hold a candle to the original, but few movies in this genre do. I like things due to nostalgia, but i won't kid myself that they are better than they are.


Yeah, I like lots of terrible movies simply because I saw them as a kid, and hence I have a sense of nostalgia for them, but I have no problem admitting their flaws, and that some of them out right stink. However, some people have problems admitting that about films that they like, or are nostalgic about. As for the 2nd film, yes it's completely flawed, and is a lesser copy of its predecessor, right down to the giant "creature" walking down the street at the end of the film. Of course this time the giant monster is good, but it's still pretty much a lesser copy of the original. Still, it does have it's charm in places, but I would never go out of my way to watch it. Heck, even the cartoon (at times) was better than the second one, and I suspect that the cartoon will also be better (most of the time) than Afterlife...


Haha. Well you know the old saying. Watch what you wish for...😂
