MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) Discussion > iTs A rEhAsh! NOstalGiA! mArY sUE! SoMet...

iTs A rEhAsh! NOstalGiA! mArY sUE! SoMetHinG AnGrY aBoUt StAR wArS!

Some of you dopes regurgitate arguments from other movies - particularly remakes or sequels long after the original - without even thinking. You just blindly blurt out the same crap you saw somewhere else. No thought whatsoever whether it applies or not.

The original movie isn't about kids. Nor is it about a struggling family. Nowhere in the OG movie is a young girl the main character and the story is about her finding her way while discovering her lineage. Not to mention closure for Coon's character. Not a hint of any of this - like, NONE at all - but the villain is the same, so "it"S A ReHaSh!"

The original, which I adore, didn't have much of a story at all. It's about a bunch of outcasts who strike lightning in a bottle. They discover a need for something and provide a service. It's a very funny movie and the franchise has an excellent mythos for a comedy, but there's no deeper meaning or subtext.This movie actually crafted a story.

Not only is 'nOsTalGiA" not an insult, all you idiots who use it as an insult went to see this movie BECAUSE OF nostalgia. You go see a sequel because of your love for a previous movie and a desire to see more of something resembling it. You specifically sought this movie out because it reminds you of something you saw in a previous movie and liked it enough that you hope to have those feeling replicated.

Phoebe was guided by Egon - literally, he sowed her how to repair certain things - and needed the help of half a dozen or so other people - which included her dead grandfather - in the final confrontation with Gozer, but sure. "ShE'S a MaRy SuE!"

Comments like this come from dudes not intelligent enough to talk about the quality of the writing in the script, performances of the actors, or directors so they just throw these blanket neck beard statements out there. No thought whatsoever put into the comments. If you're going to criticize something, at least come up with an argument that has some merit.


Phoebe rules


I fucking loved her. Kid was awesome.


Me too.


While had some call backs like Gozer, two people possessed and one of them saying "There is no Mom only Zuul" it wasn't shot for shot/cut and paste rehashing.


Of course it has some call backs, it's a sequel! Arnold says "I'll be back" in every Terminator movie, even some none Terminator movies.

But you are right, it's not a shot-for-shot remake. Not even close.
