MovieChat Forums > Café Society (2016) Discussion > Older man, younger woman plot, again

Older man, younger woman plot, again

Steve Carrell (53) and Kristen Stewart (26), kind of ridiculous except in Woody Allen's reality. I guess it's an improvement over Bruce Willis (61), who was originally cast in this role. In Woody's last movie he had Emma Stone with Colin Firth. It was super awkward and not believable at all.


Why was it awkward? Cause society pictures it that way?

Feel your heart beat.


Their acting skills were not up to the task of making their relationship come off as even remotely believable. Emma Stone looked like she was making out with her father (which I guess is Woody Allen's thing). Colin Firth is almost 30 years older than her. Both actors looked uncomfortable in their roles.


It worked better in "Irrational Man". I could easily buy that strange dynamic between her and Joaquin Phoenix.


No, it is awkward because Allen was step-father for 12 years to a girl 38 years younger than him whom he then MARRIED after Mia Farrow (his partner of 12 years) found nude pics he'd taken of her adopted daughter (aforementioned step-daughter & now wife).

So I'd say it's more than just awkward, it's creepy and disturbing even without taking into account the allegations of Mia Farrow's OTHER adopted daughter of sexual abuse.

Personally, I boycott his films, same as Roman Polanski.

Even before I knew any of these facts I found Woody Allen's movies creepy & disturbing but now I know why...


Nope, not his step-daughter... wrong. He did not even raise her or live in the same house with her.




A man who's had as much Freudian analysis as Woody is supposed to have had ought to have a better understanding of the incest taboo.


There is nothing morally wrong with incest if you exclude the possibility of developmental issues when having children with closely related family members. If the partner isn't closely related or he has a vasectomy for example you can't make a logical argument against it.


Anything to assuage your guilt.
It isnt supposed to be logical or else we would have killed all old and paralayzed people for being un-useful to society.
Or maybe even kill oprhans for being burdens to society no?
We arent psychopaths and we arent sociopaths.

I know other people want to pretend that borderlines dont exist.
But incest even if no children are produced IS wrong because one person is preying on the other relative, taking advantage of what should have been a truly platonic relationship, especially when there are other unrelated people to have non platonic relationships with.

We are not animals and and no one is suggesting that we act like them, who cannot control themselves.


Hold on to your hat! I have a shocking revelation for you.are you ready? We ARE animals!Unfortunately, our brains have adapted over the centuries to the point where they have become unfit for purpose.All the instances you have listed would have been dealt with by nature,as it is for all other life forms,but we are too clever.We interfere and try to control nature,and fail miserably.And there is absolutely no reason why two consenting members of the same family should not give each other sexual relief,or indeed have a full relationship.It is only your dirty little mind that finds it 'ikky'.


You poor, poor fool. Mia Farrow herself has stated that Woody didn't show the slightest interest in her children - including Soon-Yi - and that she had to force him to spend time with her so that they could get to know each other. Little did she know that she was actually paving the way for Soon-Yi's eventual escape form her vile, gnarled talons.


My statements have nothing to do with Mia and people's opinions of her and whether she was a good mother or not. That is off-topic.

My statements have to do with a man in his mid-forties meeting a 7 or 8 year old girl, being in her life another 12 years and then (who knows when this actually started) taking nude photos of her while being in long-term relationship with her mother and "coming out" with their relationship when she was 21 (or younger - no one knows her real age) and he was 58 years old!

Wanting to educate people about the type of abusive behavior he presents over and over and over (and thus helps "normalize") in his movies doesn't make me a fool.

If you have never had any encounters with child abuse in your lifetime, then count yourself very fortunate. It is devastating to experience AND to witness.


You poor, poor fool. Mia Farrow herself has stated that Woody didn't show the slightest interest in her children

Odd observation when Woody adopted two of her previously adopted sons and testified in court that he was an excellent father. Woody is a weird, weird man and pedo protected by Hollywood.


And he's been married to her ever since.


"Then there's nothing more to say other than I hope you don't have children or step-children of your own."

Please get off your high horse.



LOL I guess the word "fact" has a different meaning in your life.


Ah shut up, you're wrong on all counts.


Even before I knew any of these facts I found Woody Allen's movies creepy & disturbing but now I know why...

What did you find disturbing about his films, back before you knew about Allen's personal life? Just the fact that there were younger women paired romantically with older men?

I could see someone being disturbed by the relationship between Allen and Mariel Hemingway in Manhattan - what with the character being only 17. But otherwise? I can't think of any relationships that I would call disturbing.


It's not just the age gaps (which feature in MANY of his movies (didn't he make one a few years ago with Larry David - in his 60s - romantically opposite an actual 21 year old actress?)).

Woody Allen himself is creepy.

I stopped watching his movies after Deconstructing Harry - he literally turns my stomach and I know a lot of other CSA survivors feel the same - but I'm sure in the ensuing decades since that movie there are plenty of specific examples for me to pull from. He's the Humbert Humbert of Hollywood.


Thankfully, his career has been able to thrive without the help of the CSA survivor demographic.


It's not just the age gaps (which feature in MANY of his movies (didn't he make one a few years ago with Larry David - in his 60s - romantically opposite an actual 21 year old actress?)).

Woody Allen himself is creepy.

I stopped watching his movies after Deconstructing Harry - he literally turns my stomach and I know a lot of other CSA survivors feel the same - but I'm sure in the ensuing decades since that movie there are plenty of specific examples for me to pull from. He's the Humbert Humbert of Hollywood.

So your explanation for why someone would find his movies creepy if they didn't know about his scandals, other than the age gaps of the couples in the movies, is that...he's creepy?

Thank you for that very helpful response.


I take it that is sarcasm but yes, if someone makes your skin crawl and then you find out there's a valid reason for that reaction, I'm not sure why that's an unaccetable answer to your question.

And if you read my second answer to your post below from the other day, in Manhattan he actually cast himself opposite a 16 year old actress and if he'd had his way, it would have been a 15 year old Jodie Foster playing a 17 year old...

One or two movies with an old man in a relationship with a young girl or woman is one thing, but he does it over and over and over in his movies. There's a whole list and none of the leading actresses were over the age 25 or 26 (often much younger) even though the men were consistently in their 50s and 60s.


Also it should be noted that while you specify the "character" in Manhattan was 17, the reality is actually worse:

Mariel Hemingway was 16 during filming and Allen actually wanted Jodie Foster for the role, who's a whole year younger than Hemingway!






LOL give me a break. Woody Allen is a creepo.


Not only that. The age gap in relationships, New York/L.A. showdowns, another neurotic jewish man and again a love triangle. He kind of got out of ideas I guess. This was cool in "Manhattan" but it got old since he is repeating himself over and over again. There is no kind of development in his work.


When one's work is brilliant to begin with, it doesn't need much development.


I could count a hundred reasons why this is incorrect. An artist (no matter which kind) should always be able to develop himself and his work. Look at Stanley Kubrick. Would we still consider him as a superior director if his body of work wasnt a large bandwidth of different stories, techniques and styles (one better than the other)? I'm not saying that Woody Allen is a bad director but I feel like he could be even better if he would stretch his head out of his own created universe and see that there is more to tell about.


His films are about nothing less than the human condition. I'm sorry if you can't grasp that.


Look at Stanley Kubrick.

Ugh. Do I have to? The most overrated director of all time? I remember after his death Roger Ebert hosted a special show with several critics, and something like 3 of them picked the miserable piece of absolute garbage "Eyes Wide Shut" as his best film, which is laughable. I don't even like the guy, but it's pretty obvious that "A Clockwork Orange" and "Dr. Strangelove" are far better than that episode of Scooby-Doo with boobs they praised.

Kubrick had absolutely nothing at all to say about love, sex, relationships or women in general. He was only half a director, really, and kind of a princess about it, too.


Woody lost touch with any semblance of reality decades ago. I first noticed it in "Shadows and Fog" (released in 1991, when he would have been in his mid-50s) when the character he played was referred to as a "young man."

Of course in the world of movies it's common to see old men with young partners, but there is something pathetic in Woody repeating this scenario in film after film as if to reassure himself that what he's done is normal and everything's all right. On some level he knows that it's not, and that breaking up Mia Farrow's home by trying to do Mia and her daughter at the same time was a total disaster that has overshadowed his life's work. Now that he's an old man and facing the inevitable fact that he'll be checking out sooner rather than later, this must be weighting heavily on his mind.



It's not *what* you say.
It's *how* you say it.




Firstly I find this comment disingenuous because the Carrell-Stewart coupling is only in the movie as an obstacle in the romance between Stewart and Eisenberg, which I hope you'll agree is age-appropriate enough for anyone.

Secondly I find the suggestion that the concept of older men and younger women in relationships is something that only transpires in Woody Allen films deeply silly. Everyone knows the term 'trophy wife' and everyone knows oodles of examples of these couples in real life, for better or worse. If Jerry Hall just got hitched to Rupert Murdoch, is that something that only happens in Woody Allen's reality? Come on now.



Allen's jokes have become old, his films have becoming irritatingly mysogynistic, plus he seems to be constantly making the morally questionable argument that age difference doesn't matter (morally questionable due to him being accused of raping of a 7 year old, a story I fully believe in).


Without question, the man carried on an affair with his girlfriend and her teenaged daughter at the same time. Not only was he totally unapologetic about it but he encouraged the daughter to turn against her mother and any other family member who didn't approve of this sexcapade. I don't see why people find it too much of a stretch to imagine him thinking it would be a giggle to try the same trick with Soon-Yi and Dylan.


