MovieChat Forums > Café Society (2016) Discussion > Kristen Stewart is enchanting

Kristen Stewart is enchanting

Possible Spoilers: She was wonderfully understated but totally convincing. Fetching is the word. Seriously fetching. And she and Jesse Eisenberg have real chemistry. Much more than either do with their spouses, which makes the ending all the more poignant. Good people, married to good people, doing the right thing. Not your typical morality tale, but very nice.

The early scene of the two of them in the car, she was transfixing. Barely moving anything but her mouth, she slowly changed from a country-girl-in-the-big-city to a serious object of desire. I was taken with her just as much as Eisenberg.


She was gorgeous at times in this film.

Very appealing.

Best part of the film - other than the set. :)


I love Woody's films, and know his work very well, and I think Kristen was charming in this film. I am not too familiar with her work, but I see many people think she cannot act. Truth is, she can act and she fits seamlessly in Woody's world. I thought her performance was subtle, realistic and honest. Maybe people carry baggage from those vampire movies, but I hope he casts her again.


many people think she cannot act

Many people are stupid. 
Kristen is very talented.


I thought the film itself was a pastiche of several of his other films (like Bullets Over Broadway for one), and what made it work for me was Kristen and Jesse's acting and chemistry, totally believable and without artifice. So did I LOVE the film, no but I found it charming.


I loved her in this film.


She looks like a skinny boy trying to dress up in women's clothes. Her face is like a chipmunk. Also, she can't act.


Agree- zero charisma.


