MovieChat Forums > Superstore (2015) Discussion > Which character(s) would you like to see...

Which character(s) would you like to see more/less of?

Personally, I'd like to see more of Mateo, Myrtle, and Tate and less of Glenn. I think there is so much potential in a lot of the more minor characters which I hope is explored at some point. Glenn is funny at times but annoying at others, the whole over-the-top shtick can get old pretty quickly, he's actually one of my least favorite people on the show.


I'd like to know more about Mateo and Garrett's backgrounds for sure. I didn't care much for Mateo at first but he's growing on me. I could do with less Dina for awhile, she can be funny at times and other times she's a bit too much/annoying. Bo is the same as Dina for me too. I love all the second level supporting employees though like Sandra, Myrtle, etc.


More Sandra, Myrtle, Mateo, the stoner guy....Less of Amy(and now her husband).


More of everyone except Bo and Amy's husband. Bo is annoying and the husband is an obstacle in my ship.
An episode where the "secondary" characters were focused on would be really good.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


You must be happy now that Adam and Amy are divorced.


I love them all (except Amy's husband Adam), so I'd love for this show to be renewed for numerous seasons to come in order to be able to see all of them more.


Cheyenne and Garrett


100% less of all the shows stars, 100% more of all the weird random people like 'million questions about a toothbrush guy' or 'person walking their cat around on a leash'. The worst thing about this show is pretty much everyone in it especially America Ferrara's character.

I will celebrate when this POC is cancelled. Good riddance! It had a lot of potential but they just had to turn it into some preachy propaganda and that completely ruins it.


For sure more Sandra. I want an episode where she tells them all off and stands up for herself. She's obviously smarter than the rest but too meak to speak up. Maybe we'll get it in a dream sequence or something.

Less Dina, Cheyenne, and the pharmacist

You forgot your thingy!- Eddie, Empire Records


Very much less Cheyenne and her partner Bo. And I don't really care for the super old lady Myrtle shuffling around. I see her in a scene and just know she's going to do something "old" and sloooooow.


Less Dina and Glenn, more Garrett and Mateo. I don't like Amy but she's tolerable when she has Jonah to play off of, and I can't stand Bo but at least he's kinda woke.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."
