Shame it didn't get a second season
The show did have it's share of flaws. Episode 13 is a disaster of epic cringe proportions. Watch it if you enjoy train wrecks but otherwise feel free to read a summary and skip it.
Overall though I found myself enjoying Limitless. Yes, it's experimental nature didn't always pay off. But it gave the show a freshness and vibrancy as a whole. I also think they handled the show as a continuation of the movie extremely well. It felt organic and like a natural evolution of the concept. The idea that the longer people are on NZT the more advanced they became had a lot of potential for the plot moving forward.
Some criticisms have been lodged against the characters. Brian isn't liked by all but to me he felt real. He wasn't just a one dimensional caricature. Part of why it worked so well was how they showed all aspects of his life without it feeling forced. It was definitely his show but the rest of the cast grew on me as well. Really wish they'd given it another season.