MovieChat Forums > Better Things (2016) Discussion > May stop watching because the oldest dau...

May stop watching because the oldest daughter is GOD AWFUL

As long as she's not in the scene, the show does well. But as soon as she speaks I want to kick her. The girl is a bad actress, which makes her character even more infuriating. Unless she dies or does a 180, I can't watch next season, if there is one. She's so mean to her mom, and her mom just takes it! Terrible situation that I really don't enjoy watching.


You are awful!
Max & actress is super awesome!
Us Viking guys luv her, and the other daughters also!



Bad acting, annoying voice and a face that could stop a clock -- and when you combine the three, it's fast-forward time.



i agree, she would be the only reason if i quit watching it. it's not only the character, her acting is horrible. every time she says mom, i die a little. max is over-reacting, and she's over-acting.


She just got nominated for an Oscar.


Oh good I'm not alone.
Somehow, I noticed while she is the oldest she acts like she's the baby of the family, what's up with her crying voice?

I wonder if that's intentional because, god damm, not even the younger acts as infantilized as her.


Am I the only one that thinks she looks like an android?


She's hot, so she gets a pass.
