MovieChat Forums > Lip Sync Battle (2015) Discussion > Producers: TAKE TIEGEN OFF!


Or at the very least, stop cutting to her during the performances!!

We want to see (and laugh at) the CONTESTANTS singing and dancing, not her. (If we need a "reaction shot" it should be of their OPPONENT on the sidelines, not her.)



Agreed, some of the lip synchs are amazing and you're sitting there getting into it and they cut to her with some stupid prop or singing or lip synching, it ruins the whole performance. She also has nothing useful to say after the performances either.


It's basically like someone saw a reaction video on youtube and was like, we need to put that on the show but let's make it a model who can't stop instagraming and twetting.


She's like those morning radio shows who have the token bimbo on theRe fake laughing at the things that guest or the hosts say. The show is bad enough..but adding her to it is making it worse. Who the hell is she . Those fake cheek bones she's dumb as a bag of hammers. I wouldn't kick her out of bed but she really is annoying and obnoxious ..SHE REALLY THINKS THAT PEOPLE WATCH THE SHOW TO SEE HER!!!


WoW it must be great to be so dang perfect that . You can sit around and bag on a perfectly nice person whom you will never meet.
Bully. Don't blame her for your short comings.



She reminds me of a Kardashian, no surprise she's buddies with them.


She's also close to the Kardashians which makes her even worse!
