Is it me or does this guy BLINK way too much?

Is it me or does this guy BLINK way too much?


he does blink alot but he does this double blink thing when he's lying.


Bridget's husband is probably a serial killer.


What's interesting isn't only the fact that he's blinking as a micro-expression, what's really really interesting is that he's only doing that in cases where he might be lying. Now, I don't know if he's lying or not, but it is a logical conclusion that he does. And the blinking comes as a confirmation on that every single time. He doesn't blink in cases where facts and witnesses supports his claims, he only does it when it's not. And that's why it's interesting.


Is it me or does this guy MURDER way too much?


It seems to me he has a nervous tic. It is more common than we would think. A lot of times appears as blinking but it can be anything like a facial movement or a particular soung or any kind of repeated movement of the body. It happens a lot with kids when they can not coope with some problems in their life.



actually i thought his blinking was normal after he ended his sentence.
But in the last episode when he is confronted with the handwriting he doesn't blink. I thought that's when it really struck him and he got serious, he stopped blinking.


Look at the portions with his childhood films, he did it when he was a little boy.


Yes, way too much

"People overestimate what they can do in a day & underestimate what they can do in their lifetime"


It's interesting - I'm watching a documentary about Arthur Shawcross, a serial killer who murdered 11 women and 2 children, and he has the EXACT same "blinking" tics as Robert Durst:
