2014 Merits
1. More than one Kaiju
2. Bryan Cranston
3. Back Story
4. Special effects
5. Godzilla's Roar (Opinion)
2014 Issues
1. Unnecessary/Boring scenes (Monorail)
2. Stiff acting
3. Godzilla's Atomic breath (Seemed pretty weak destructive wise compared to other Goji's)
4. Slow build up and lame cut away's.
5. Music score was not effective.
Shin Merits
1. Unique take on Godzilla's evolution.
2. Great display of Godzilla's destructive nature.
3. Godzilla's Atomic breath.
4. Realistic reaction from the government.
5. Nostalgic music score.
Shin issues
1. Too fast paced. (Very little time to take in what just happened before transitioning to the next scene.)
2. Unpolished effects. (Godzilla's movement looked "laggy" and unrealistic at times. took away from the immersion.)
3. So many characters to keep track of. (So many teams of people with obscure job titles I had a hard time differentiating everyone's role.)
4. Lack of back story. (What little back story there is, was very brief. Effective, But brief.)
5. Godzilla's Mandible. (It just doesn't seem like something Godzilla needs or should have.
Ultimately I enjoyed both movies and felt they did a great job of telling their own story uniquely.
2014 could have benefited with better side characters and more Godzilla presence to display the destructive nature they insisted he had.
Shin could have benefited from a bigger budget and production time to polish some of the rough edges and rushed scenes.