MovieChat Forums > Cleveland Abduction (2015) Discussion > Do you think any Lesbian Acts happend be...

Do you think any Lesbian Acts happend between Michele and Gina?

Not a troll. Real Question.

I have not read the book so I don't know if they discuss this but in the movie at one point Ariel comes in the room after they are dancing and says "I'm bored [?] do something."

I'm pretty sure a sicko like him didn't expect them to perform a play.

That could be why they don't want to be around each other.

I don't let anyone hot-comb out my HAIRitage!


Actually never thought of that.


I wonder now - why not? If I were a man and some crazy perv to boot and had some women in my basement, I'd think: why not give it a try? I'd have my own lesbian porn movie - only live. I think someone like him would love to watch something like this.



Maybe, they did it on their own to comfort each other.

When you find yourself with the majority
It's time to stop and go with the minority.


I doubt it, lol, when you are straight you just don't feel like doing this with another woman/man. I certainly wouldn't want to find comfort in doing this with another woman, regardless of anything.



Good question & ekpyrosis-1, it's not about their feelings,
it's his will they were dealing with. The prick likely had them
at gunpoint.
To comfort each other, maybe. I can live w/o ever knowing though.



I doubt it but who cares? I never cared about the details anyway but how they survived and how they're doing now.
This seems kind of a sick fantasy to inflict on some women that were tormented for so many years by one sick ba*tard..
Leave your fantasies out of it.


Leave your fantasies out of it.

You don't fcking know me so don't insult me.

You may not want to know every last detail but you wouldn't be interested in how they survived if you didn't at least have an idea of what they went through.

I don't let anyone hot-comb out my HAIRitage!


If they did it to comfort each other there is nothing sick about it. They went through hell so no one can judge them unless they been through it themselves.

When you find yourself with the majority
It's time to stop and go with the minority.


It was a valid question don't know why you're getting so offensive about it, that could explain why the girls didn't want anything to do with eachother afterwards

Have you ever stared fear and danger in the eye and said; YES?


Actually, that could be why Gina's familly don't want Michelle around anymore. I agree, same impression I got from the scene. What a sick bastard. The very fact the prison didn't have him on suicide watch tells me they wanted him to off himself!



Actually, that could be why Gina's familly don't want Michelle around anymore.

Why, what would it have to do with anything, after all it's not like that they would be in a relationship the family objected to.

BTW, how many siblings does Gina have? I know of one brother Richard (?) and one sister Mayra. I read it's a large family.



I don't know how many siblings she have. I really don't know why her family don't want her near Michelle anymore. I was just speculating. Michelle is older than Gina.



Well, in this situation only Michelle would be able to understand what their daughter went through, anyway Gina and Michelle are straight -M. had a bf and a baby, G. also says she'd want to have a family on her own in the future - so they are both straight like an arrow. I haven't read anything about her family not wanting Michelle aroung their daughter.



He was on suicide watch. I think the guards screwed up on purpose.


He was not on suicide watch technically. However, he was checked frequently on a schedule because of his notoriety.

I do agree, that "not checking on him" in time for him to hang himself probably was intentional. While it hasn't been considered suicide watch, part of the reason to keep checking on him was so he couldn't hurt himself, and they gave him just enough time to do that.

I remember it being speculated that he was hanged by officers who made it look like a suicide. Then there was the "out there" theory it was autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong.


I do remember a part in the movie with him shutting the door on two of the girls and telling them to put on a show. I wanna know what the hell they did when they got thier periods. Hopefully he gave them supplies. Also, the movie had them in their underwear, but I think they were naked all the time, if I'm remembering the interviews correctly.


I do remember a part in the movie with him shutting the door on two of the girls and telling them to put on a show. I wanna know what the hell they did when they got thier periods. Hopefully he gave them supplies. Also, the movie had them in their underwear, but I think they were naked all the time, if I'm remembering the interviews correctly.

I highly, highly doubt that he gave them sanitary supplies. He barely let them bathe. Ugh. Poor girls.


They probably stopped having their periods (after Amanda gave birth) due to Castro giving them 1 meal everyday, which is totally unhealthy for your body.


I was just gonna say that. Being under that amount of stress is enough to make your menstrual cycle stop.


Michelle was able to get pregnant 5 times and he caused her to miscarry all those times so she must have had her period still. Its mind boggling how she was able to survive all those miscarriages..she had to be in the second semester at least for him to notice it, and if he didnt give them supplies she was literally bleeding for weeks with no medical attention.

Also, if he took Jocelyn out, couldnt they give her a note to give to someone that said they are trapped? Why didnt the neighbors ever hear them yell for help when he left the house?


Also, if he took Jocelyn out, couldnt they give her a note to give to someone that said they are trapped? Why didnt the neighbors ever hear them yell for help when he left the house?

I briefly considered that; just the idea that Jocelyn could be their way out since she got to leave the house. However, she was just a little girl. I can imagine Amanda being very scared such a message would be found by Castro, and something terrible could have happened to Jocelyn. Even trying to train Jocelyn to run to someone and kick and scream would be a huge risk. I can understand why Amanda did not try to get Jocelyn to do such a thing.


Also, if he took Jocelyn out, couldnt they give her a note to give to someone that said they are trapped? Why didnt the neighbors ever hear them yell for help when he left the house?

I briefly considered that; just the idea that Jocelyn could be their way out since she got to leave the house. However, she was just a little girl. I can imagine Amanda being very scared such a message would be found by Castro, and something terrible could have happened to Jocelyn. Even trying to train Jocelyn to run to someone and kick and scream would be a huge risk. I can understand why Amanda did not try to get Jocelyn to do such a thing.

Jocelyn was screaming for her daddy when they broke out.
To her, that was her pops, unlikely they could program
her to say/do anything against him anyway.
Too high a risk.



This wasn't mentioned in any of the books and I guess it was suggested in the movie to show what a sick bastard Castro was. They all deal with the trauma in their own ways.
No offence to you but I
honestly can't believe you even asked the question! as if it had any relevence!.
