This movie was a stupid idea and bait
This kind of historical movies are bait for the male audience.Ridley Scott tried to bait all the Gladiator fans so he can lecture the male audience about the ordeal of women during the Middle Ages(and supposedly today) and about the evil Western Patriarchy,as a result the movie sucked there is no heroism,no chivalry,almost no action... nothing. At least Mat Damon's character should have been the loving heroic husband but noooo ,it's probably TOXIC according to the Woke gospel and at the end nobody cares about the duel.Another soulless postmodernist Hollywood turd.There is only feminist BS in a very boring and an incoherent hot mess that is like an insufferable soap opera .
Gladiator and Kingdom of Heaven were also critical about Western Civilization,but they were good movies(Gladiator is actually great) and they had great action,great acting, a soul and A-male bravado.This movie is literal torture I can't imagine anyone who watched it in a theatre and didn't walk out ...One of the worst films ever made and an utter disgrace for a great filmmaker like Scott.