for a ranch so big
they sure do run into a lot of trespassers. Makes you wonder what is going on at the areas they don't see.
sharethey sure do run into a lot of trespassers. Makes you wonder what is going on at the areas they don't see.
shareDo they ever specify how large the Yellowstone ranch actually is? I remember someone saying it was the size of Rhode Island, but that sounds almost cartoonishly gigantic.
shareRhode Island is very small; only 1214 square miles. You could fit 121 Rhode Islands into Montana. That still seems a bit large for a ranch, but western ranches were often quite large.
shareyes, they say the size of rhode island. Rhode Island is 988,000 acres. the largest ranch in the USA is the King Ranch in Texas at 825,000 acres. since this is fiction it is possible that it close enough to the size of RI to be compared to it. The ranch they film at is actually 2,500 acres.