Great execution but asinine plot.
I loved the acting (especially Kevin Costner and watching Kelly Reilly is fun), the ranching scenes, and beautiful scenery. But the plot is silly, shallow, and forced. The ranchers routinely murder people.....just 'cause. Even the mafia doesn't do that, at least in the US. Killing people that frequently would draw too much heat and attention. And this isn't a criminal operation. It's a ranch, lol. No adequate reasons have been given for them having a secret society of specially branded workers let alone for flippantly murdering people. Viewers are apparently supposed to accept this as "the way things are" and maybe even agree with the crusading leftist lesbian reporters "of color" from the big city that John Dutton "represents what's wrong with this country" (since they knew little about him at the time one's left with the impression that in their minds he "represents" white men in the American heartland). In real life ranchers tend to be salt of the earth types, some of the best people in the country. Casting them as murderous villains and "what's wrong" with today's society is absurd.
Then there's the Indians. Having just about every character moan about the abuse of their people by "the white man" over the centuries every other scene gets old. Regular Indians don't talk that way. Activists do. It makes the show even less realistic. One wonders if the writers even know any real Indians apart from the small political set they schmoozed with to get Crow land rights for filming. To put it another way....I wonder if the few they've encountered are offended by the name "Washington Redskins" or are part of the 90% majority of American Indians polled who said they aren't offended, with a majority even saying they'd be offended if the name was changed.
The last straw for me was the moronic lecture on the alleged "European mind set" last week that I posted another thread to debunk. This show has gotten too stupid to keep watching.