And while I can understand that desperate people do desperate things (I did my share of stupidites as a girl, too), she seemed a bit of a psychopath, not just lonely. She isn't stupid, her being calmer than the guys is scary. They are nervous and afraid of the consequences, but she just calmly participates.
On top of it there are just too many factual errors:
The whole robbery made no sense - 50k€ is not a lot for a vintage car. Why would FOUR people need to risk their lives for such a small sum? The gangsters seemed rich enough that they wouldn't need (or want) a favor from such knobs as these fellows. It looked like a set-up, like they just wanted to have some puppets to play with. But then why had the blonde guy taken Boxer under his protection in the jail?
The German police would never shoot getaway robbers, even if they were armed. If this was set in a trigger happy country like US, then maybe. But Berlin, Germany?!
Not to mention that they say they're leaving the club at 4 am, and the robbery is supposed to take place a bit before 7 am - yet the film is less than 3 hours long (luckily, it was waaaay too long).
All the places seem to be within 1 km within each other since they really don't spend that much time driving. They could've gone on foot.
The film portrays the Germans as extremely stupid, ignorant and incompetent. They only guys doing their job properly are the bouncers in the club.