Liam Neeson (Spoilers)
I definitely for the way he was built into the promotion of the film that his role was not just going to be a small role in flashback.
I had a feeling he didn't die in the botched robbery wasn't expecting him to set up his own death and let his wife been set up to be killed just to get the money. That's some cold and brutal shit especially as their only child didn't die that long before. And I was cheering in the end when Viola Davis killed him as he was happily going to take her life.
Also Carrie Coon's character was that baby she had Neeson's character's child?. I'm guessing it probably is and shows that Neeson was having a affair for quite a while behind Davis and Coon's husband back. Also shows Coon's character is as much of a bad person as Neeson is, I'm sure in a TV show (maybe in the 1983 TV show they dealt with it more) they could have made Coon's character into a villain. But she knew her husband (potential child's father) was been set up to die and happily went along with it.