MovieChat Forums > The Last Kingdom (2015) Discussion > To everyone who hasn't read the books

To everyone who hasn't read the books

Rather you liked the TV show or not, seriously, i beg you, give the book series a shot!

If you liked the show, really, read the books, start reading now efore the next episode airs to make sure you are first amazed by the books. They really really really are way better than this crappy TV show adaption. Since its all being rushed out, you have already lost a lot of important facts, details and characters that are important to the future history. Each 4 episodes you lose a whole book full of wonders The character development is way better, you get to know each character, and even extra ones that didn't fit on the show budget. You will understand why they do what they do, and who they are because of who they are. No wonder every once in a while someone starts a new thread confused, asking about some plot hole that only who has read the books will can answer. Read the books, it is amazing how well writen they are. Bernard Cornwell is an amazing author and his writing style is so amazing that you will find it difficult to drop the book even for a second. You wont be thinking to eat, sleep or poop (however you can always have some reading material while doing the former)

If you didnt liked the show so far, you are not alone. As someone who happens to love the series I find it a real shame what they are doing. It is an awful adaptation of an amazing series that could be something as awesome and even better than game of thrones. In the book series its a whole different atmosphere, the characters are nothing alike, they are presenting and taking away some key characters so fast that you dont have any chance to sympathize or hate someone... Old ragnar was my favorite character, he was on the half of the first book, and only lasted half of first episode!!! Seriously, the man who made uthred the man who he is now has been treated as less important that most of the characters who aren't going to make it to season 2!

I'll probably just keep watching this season to see which direction they are heading, and just because im a real fan of the series. I really would like that they fire 3/4 of the staff, make it a 22 episode per season, a season per book, but since that its not really going to happen...
...there is always hope to a remake!

To those who have read at least the very first book, who hasn't pictured uthred the elder, narrating to it's grand children, as he tells the story of his life?? That old man voice, beaten by won and lost battles, spitting on the history told by the scribers, only to tell us what an amazing life story he had?? So much potential lost in vain, it is a shame.


Excellent book series. Can't wait for the next one. October 2016 I think.


Everything you write here is true. I was VERY dissapointed when i watched the first episode. they have jumped over a *beep* of information and events that took place in the book. i give the tv-series a thumbs down for doing this.


they only had 10 episodes to tell the story



I just finished reading the latest book in the series, The Flame Bearer (book #10) and it's as well written and exciting as the previous books. Bernard Cornwell is an extremely talented, descriptive writer and his mix of history and exciting fictional characters make for an engrossing, epic tale. I read the first several books before watching the series and although the TV show had to be abridged to fit the one hour TV format, I still enjoyed the show for "bringing to life" the books in a visual format.
But seriously, I agree with criscliorente - if you haven't read the books, they are definitely worth reading! There is so much more in the books, and Cornwell's excellent writing brings the story to life for the reader.
