MovieChat Forums > The Last Kingdom (2015) Discussion > To everyone who hasn't read the books

To everyone who hasn't read the books

Rather you liked the TV show or not, seriously, i beg you, give the book series a shot!

If you liked the show, really, read the books, start reading now efore the next episode airs to make sure you are first amazed by the books. They really really really are way better than this crappy TV show adaption. Since its all being rushed out, you have already lost a lot of important facts, details and characters that are important to the future history. Each 4 episodes you lose a whole book full of wonders The character development is way better, you get to know each character, and even extra ones that didn't fit on the show budget. You will understand why they do what they do, and who they are because of who they are. No wonder every once in a while someone starts a new thread confused, asking about some plot hole that only who has read the books will can answer. Read the books, it is amazing how well writen they are. Bernard Cornwell is an amazing author and his writing style is so amazing that you will find it difficult to drop the book even for a second. You wont be thinking to eat, sleep or poop (however you can always have some reading material while doing the former)

If you didnt liked the show so far, you are not alone. As someone who happens to love the series I find it a real shame what they are doing. It is an awful adaptation of an amazing series that could be something as awesome and even better than game of thrones. In the book series its a whole different atmosphere, the characters are nothing alike, they are presenting and taking away some key characters so fast that you dont have any chance to sympathize or hate someone... Old ragnar was my favorite character, he was on the half of the first book, and only lasted half of first episode!!! Seriously, the man who made uthred the man who he is now has been treated as less important that most of the characters who aren't going to make it to season 2!

I'll probably just keep watching this season to see which direction they are heading, and just because im a real fan of the series. I really would like that they fire 3/4 of the staff, make it a 22 episode per season, a season per book, but since that its not really going to happen...
...there is always hope to a remake!

To those who have read at least the very first book, who hasn't pictured uthred the elder, narrating to it's grand children, as he tells the story of his life?? That old man voice, beaten by won and lost battles, spitting on the history told by the scribers, only to tell us what an amazing life story he had?? So much potential lost in vain, it is a shame.



I liked the show, It is a good show. I won't ruin it by reading the books. *beep* the books.


People who do not read have no worthwhile opinion.



I feel like a rim shot and a mic drop are in order.



People who do not read have no worthwhile opinion.

What has reading to do with commenting on a TV show?


Too True!
And shows will never be a substitute for books....ever.


only reading I do, is on these forums.


Amen. This is a great series. Finished all 10 books. I really like Cornwell's writing style. He also does great battle scenes.


you could use that same advise yourself


And you call that a comeback?

Click here:


Im not here to start a flame war with you. If you don't like my opinion feel free to ignore me and keep from seeing any of my posts.



Why on earth would anyone want to ignore someone just because they disagree...
Disagree, discuss, stay polite, and continue to enjoy the show and the novels (or not).

"Now, who has the key?"


Sure! have a nice day


I'm enjoying the program so I can't read the books. Because reading the books, guarantees I won't enjoy the show anymore. Besides, already knowing some of what happens in the books ensures the reading material won't hold my attention. And any variances in descriptions of appearance and characterization, ensures I'll be turned off.

So for me it's one or the other. Perhaps in a few years, if I find myself still interested in the story or wanting more, I'll read the series.


See, that is the thing. The series has just started, you are in time to read the books and enjoy the history, and when the time comes that a new season is released you can watch it and compare it by yourself. It is a shame that you would opt to know the history by the tv show instead of the books, cuz (in my opinion) the characters are not well developed enough to the point of liking them.

But whatever man, whoever thinks that reading the books is a waste of time and that the TV show is more worthy its not my place to try to convince them otherwise. However, if i manage to make a single person show some interest and read the book series i'll be already pleased.


You can't sell me the books today. Sorry to deprive you of your commission. Like I previously wrote, perhaps in a few years.

See, I've been a reader for several decades. I have enough personal experience to know ME and how I will respond. However, because I can appreciate your passion for the subject, I won't regard you as a nuisance and leave it at that.


I dont care if you buy the books, download a illegal ebook or borrow it on your local library, im not here to sell anything and i surely will not receive any commission, im sorry if you took me as some kind of salesman im just a fan, who happens to recommend things that i find it worthy to recommend.


read the books and enjoy the history

The 'history' is pretty poor if the series follows the books. Some of it was cringe-worthy.


I just started the series, never heard of the books. Cormwell is unknown to me. However i never read the books before i watch a movie or series, i find i'll almost always be disappointed because expectations run high. Pillars of the Earth, the World according to Garp, The Road, etc. I still haven't read GoT for that very reason, nor will I watch a movie/series if i recently read the book. .

That's mostly because i find that almost every time the books are always significantly better than the picture. Especially if it was good enough to turn it into a series.


Maybe it's just me but I view the books and movies like companion pieces unless they absolutely don't give any respect to the source material. Its all just good entertainment in my opinion. Once I am immersed in a world I like to stay there for a while. So I watch the show, read the books and reviews and fan sites.

I watched the show first and then read the books. And in this case the books enhance what you see in the series. And I actually like some of the changes they made in the show but I also love that things were different in the book as well it just enhances the story in my opinion.

I am very forgiving of film adaptations as an Anne Rice fan what they did to the Queen of the Dead was an abomination and I have never seen a worse translation for book to film.


Reading the books of GoT ruined somewhat the show for me.

Ich bin kein ausgeklĂĽgelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


I experienced the opposite.
The show kind of pointed out how boring some passages/storylines in ASOIAF are.
The Warrior Chronicles/Saxon Stories have less of these 'slow' bits.

"Now, who has the key?"


From all the comments I've seen here from multiple people about Cornwell's hostility toward Christianity and about how Alfred is portrayed as an even worse person in the books than in the TV show rather than being the noble, wise, admirable king that history records, I really doubt that I would enjoy the books. My sympathies are firmly on the side of Alfred and the Saxons.

Þæs ofereode, ðisses swa mæg. -- Deor


For me it was the opposite, on the books alfred looks a lot more like uthred's friend that on the series, they tend to make jokes with each other and he always tries to convert uthred but kind of accepts the fact that he won't convert no matter what. While in the TV Show you see a rather hard alfred that won't care a little bit about uthred.

Well, regarding christianity hostility, no matter if you are christian, atheist, agnostic etc, he does infact points a true face of christianity that is not unknown to us today (of course, if you are a extremist religious guy just ignore everything that i've said and spill hatred from your mouth)


Alfred pretty much was like that in the first book though. It's really only after being reduced to being the king of some swamp, which should be about to happen on the show that he softens toward Uhtred.


I believe your spoiler happens next eppisode


I've just watched ep. 06 and yes, it will indeed happen next episode.


The tv series is phenomenal arseling. You have your opinion and I have mine. And it's not boring like Gsme of Snores.


If you think this is an awful adaptation then you clearly aren't a Stephen King fan as (with a few notable exceptions) his stories get MURDERED by comparison.

I am a big Cornwell fan and I think this is a very good adaptation. What people need to realise is that adapting a story for television well involves more than just coping the original work word for word. Are there things I wish it did slightly better or different? Yes, of course, but to say this is awful makes me wonder exactly how many adaptations you seen that you would place this so low on the scale.
