"This is a True story.." HAHA

...then it immediately turns into a cliche action movie...
That first scene were they are caught in checkpoint and they both pull out pistols like a *beep* john woo movie...holy *beep* what a terrible piece of crap movie.


Have you ever met an ex seal etc? They have lighting hand speed and pulling out arms.


Not the speed i have issue with, it's who they targeted. They both aimed right passed the others head at furthest enemy. And then the driver dude continues pointing while looking the other direction and trying to "drone bluff" the boss. It looked they were posing for a movie poster...

No way that whole car scene happened...


Yet it is a true story.

 Entropy ain't what it used to be.


Based on a true story, hollywood adds a couple of things here and there for entertainment.


True but hollywood doesn't make movies, the director/writers do. So I'm not blaming hollywood for making crap tough-guy/war-fetish movies, I'm blaming the makers who claim "This is a true story" during their opening credits to pretend it's more than an action movie.


You should blame Hollywood because they influence the directors because they're the source of the money.


You should blame Hillary Clinton. This movie wouldn't have been possible without her treasonous efforts. The woman should be rotting in a cell, not running for president.


Did u read the book? The movie was the most true story movie in Hollywood in a long time. Yes some of the fight scenes were embellished but every skirmish the movie showed happen.


If ANYTHING is embellished, that immediately disqualifies any claim of "This is a true story". ( especially in a war movie)
I did not read the book, but i'll take a gander at it though, perhaps it won't annoy me so much.



Operators? you mean private security contractors... These are people who weren't making enough money killing people in the military, so they got out to be mercs...
I would hardly take their word for anything.

And once again, I guarantee that the "john woo" car pistol stand off scene did not happen the way depicted. And if they told M.Bay it did, they are more full of crap than I thought.

This was a "loosely fact based" action movie.



Lol thank you! I instantly remembered that Michael Bay made this movie when that scene came on?

I am so tired of people pulling out guns as a reaction to someone pointing a gun at them in the first place...and any real-life scenario ever you would be shot instantly. I mean if you actually think about why the Arab had his gun pointed at the two operators? I mean what do you think he was waiting for, a sudden movement?

Maybe I'm not making myself clear...I got eight bogeys armed to the teeth that are ready to blow me back to Zimbabwe...

How do you not roll your eyes at that line


Yup, pulling out guns AFTER they already have guns pointed at them was so eye-rolling, lol. That sporadic movement of pulling out their pistols would have gotten them shot for sure(either by nervous reaction or on purpose). Directors need to realize that adding a "cowboy flare" scene to a true story can end up having a negative effect on character development.


You're an idiot. "This is a true story" doesn't mean "this movie shows every single accurate detail of the true story."


So that should be the opening movie line, a quote from you:
"This is a true story" doesn't mean "this movie shows every single accurate detail of the true story."

When you are developing characters in a "true story" setting, it's not beneficial to exaggerate the "tough-guy" cliches, it does not provide accurate insight into who these contractors were. It just makes me think I'm watching a Bruce Willis movie. Watching ex-SOCOM guys act like they would ACTUALLY act, would be much more interesting to watch imo.

Meanwhile, I've heard people saying this movie should be shown to kids in history class. That's anecdotal, but perhaps you get my meaning. I am definitely an idiot, but I just have an irrational reaction to any film that opens with "This is a true story".


by FilmMuscle » Sun Jun 26 2016 12:04:46
You're an idiot. "This is a true story" doesn't mean "this movie shows every single accurate detail of the true story."

Well said... and I think you are being nice to the toolbag.


If nothing in a movie is embellished, then it's a documentary, not a movie. If you want to watch documentaries, then you should look elsewhere.


If nothing is embellished in a movie, its still a movie. Its a movie that can put "this is a true story" and not be lying.


In fact even documentaries, and news stories for that matter, have editing, voice overs, music etc. Actual footage would need context to explain its "truthfulness". Etc, etc.

By your standards there is no such thing as a true story.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


How about you try stop being an asshat.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Dood, you're not the only sane person here, don't worry.
I noticed the same, the scene cracked me up and I immediately knew what kind of movie this will be (a *beep* one).

It is unfortunate, the original story is interesting, but the casting was a disaster, especially of Silva and the usual Bay'ish cheese and patriotism oozing out of every scene gave it the rest.

Just don't mind the braindead "patriots" here.
They couldn't identify a *beep* movie if it would stink up their living room.



You nailed it, "they do use it themselves".
Just because some money grubbin' mercs wanna validate themselves, does not mean they should start calling eachother "operators". They like it because tier 1 & 2 SOCOM/CIA have used it, and the mercs want to feel cool. What's to stop fat highway patrolmen from calling themselves operators? Once again it's all posturing.
Sorry i just hate mercs.


These men risked all, and some died, to protect fellow Americans, and you have the f'n nerve to refer to them as money grubbing mercs?
*beep* you scumbag.


People risk their lives everyday to save people, and not because they are getting paid dirty merc money. The contractors would not have been there if they didnt get paid a small fortune to do so.
Great of them to save lives, but mercs are still scumbags.


By the way, your rating of all movies with extreme scores, all ones and tens, causes IMDB's algorithm to ignore your ratings when calculating their averages. They used to explain this on their ratings page.

 Entropy ain't what it used to be.


I didn't know that, thanks.
It's probably for the best though, cause the way i rate movies is rather lazy and idiotic.
10=Would be willing to watch again
1=Watched once and I want my wasted time back.

Additionally,I recognize the irony of me wasting my time in an IMDB board about that movie :)


Checkpoint scene was super corny. They could have done with out that. But the rest was pretty good.


Yeah, shoot down the veracity of that stand off scene and everything else in the movie never happened. I don't think Paramount intended to make something to show on PBS.
