MovieChat Forums > 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016) Discussion > The republican Congress cut funding, not...

The republican Congress cut funding, not the state department.

Please get your facts straight.

I am far from a sHillary supporter, but She can only request funding for consulates and embassies. Congress has to approve it and they didn't because of republican blockades to anything Obama wanted.
It is also not her job to go rescue them once things go bad. That is what the armed forces are for, not the state department.

Sure, bending the truth about the cause of the attacks might have been BS, but there is no law that says you should tell the truth after military operations. In fact there are many laws that say you should keep it a secret and create misinformation about it.

The repubs just got pissed because a terrorist attack could have hurt Obama and not gotten him re-elected. Sorry, national security comes before the truth.


From the Huffington Post

"Hillary Clinton turned a stable, developed nation into an ISIS safe haven using tactics that would have made even William Randolph Hearst a bit queasy. To whip up support for the Spanish-American War (you’re probably too young to remember it), America’s favorite yellow journalist only managed to invent tame, PG -13 fairytales about Spanish soldiers fondling young Cuban damsels. If Hearst had reported that the Spaniards were having Havana Viagra parties, we could have marched all the way to Madrid. Hopefully President Clinton will remedy this missed opportunity. Pack your bags, ISIS. Next stop: Spain.

Forget Benghazi. Clinton is culpable in a far greater crime"


Unless they did it the day of the attack, this comment is pointless. They didn't die because they didn't have enough money. They died because they were there. They were left in a place where the US government knew they would never send any official help.
