MovieChat Forums > 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016) Discussion > The republican Congress cut funding, not...

The republican Congress cut funding, not the state department.

Please get your facts straight.

I am far from a sHillary supporter, but She can only request funding for consulates and embassies. Congress has to approve it and they didn't because of republican blockades to anything Obama wanted.
It is also not her job to go rescue them once things go bad. That is what the armed forces are for, not the state department.

Sure, bending the truth about the cause of the attacks might have been BS, but there is no law that says you should tell the truth after military operations. In fact there are many laws that say you should keep it a secret and create misinformation about it.

The repubs just got pissed because a terrorist attack could have hurt Obama and not gotten him re-elected. Sorry, national security comes before the truth.


why was an Ambassador sent with 2 security guards to a diplomatic post(not embassy) in a city that was in anarchy??!! Whole thing is just pure incompetence from the State Dept which Hillary heads up.


Whether she heads it or not, do you really think she is the one that makes up security regulations? Or that she personally sees to the security requirements of the hundreds US outposts around the world? I'm not saying that she doesn't bare some responsibility, but blaming her for Benghazi is like blaming the postmaster general because your local post office lost a letter.

"Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be....NOT magic." -Tim Minchin


the reason her name gets dragged into this is because she specifically told the Ambassador to bring a message to the Libyian people on behalf of the US. That being said yes she had some personal knowledge of the risk of that soon as it blew up she started distancing herself which the GOP pounced on. End of day it is all politics but in no way should she be allowed to just pass the buck.

I found it very odd that other nations had evacuated their diplomatic posts in the city , US was the last one left standing and we didn't see the need to reallocate security resources??


Security request to upgrade the security went thru her state department and we're denied by her security personnel, the funding cuts had nothing to do with request being denied which was admitted to by Hillary's own security personnel so that is another liberal lie to deflect from the truth that the entire Obama administration had lied from day on concerning what happened in Libya to this day we still do know who Authorized the annex in Benghazi what the CIA was doing there and why the security request was denied. More than likely we will never know since Obama and Clinton refuse to tell the truth. I still suspect they were running guns to the Syrian opposition against all laws in other words another Iran contra situation.


Because it's a Hollywood movie and they have to make the fight more dramatic? Stevens actually had 5 agents (not counting the rescuers) and a couple of local guards protecting him in reality.


From what I've read, the State Department urged him not to go. It was Ambassador Stevens himself who insisted he go there.

Apparently Ambassador Stevens truly loved the people of Libya, and thought he could do a lot of good there.


From what I've read, the State Department urged him not to go. It was Ambassador Stevens himself who insisted he go there.

Apparently Ambassador Stevens truly loved the people of Libya, and thought he could do a lot of good there.

Ambassador Stevens was a genuine Diplomat that wanted to see the Libyan people prosper and live in a free, safe and democratic Nation after 42 years of tyrannical rule of Colonel Gaddafi.

Gaddafi was deposed by his own people, not the Americans. It was a legit civil war.

The only reason and way Gaddafi was deposed by his own people was because the US fired over 110 Tomahawk Cruise missiles from ships and submarines in SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defences) missions then followed up by bombings of military arms and communications installations by British and French Air Power as well their Special Forces troops providing arms and training to anti-Gaddafi militias! If the US, UK and French didn't implement and enforce a No-Fly over Zone then Gaddafi would have used his Air Force to bomb his own civilians if they tried to rise up on their own!

Why would we expect our top diplomat to be an expert in security, or even overseeing security at all?

As Head of the State Department, yes, Hillary ultimately takes responsibility (and indeed she has said she does take responsibility).

But in reality, security was being handled by the security folks, as it should be. We don't want diplomats making security decisions, they're not security experts.

Like I've said numerous times, yes the bucks stops with her however it was actually Charlene Lamb (Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security) that was the person in State most directly responsible for the lack of security at the Temporary Diplomatic Outpost. There was no money in the budget because of the Republicans to implement further hard security measures at an Outpost that would hardly be used and was guarded by a large friendly militia.

The movie says there was a stand down order, but in reality, it appears this was artistic license taken by Michael Bay.

The GRS Operators have appeared on many TV Stations and testified that they were told to "Stand Down" for 20 minutes or so. They were not the Quick Reaction Force for the Temporary Diplomatic Outpost, that was up to the 17 Feb Brigade. The GRS Operators were in Benghazi to protect the CIA personnel and all the Classified information not as s Direct Action element for the attack on the Diplomatic Outpost.

Of course the CIA base Chief Bob would have told them to stand down temporarily until they got more Intel of how many Tangos were on the Compound grounds, where 17 Feb there, would they be driving into a planned ambush? There are just too many variables for the GRS Operators to head straight to the Compound on the first distress call with little or no Intel of what is exactly happening on the ground and leaving the CIA Annex wide open with no security!

If the GRS Operators left at the first call for help at the Compound then maybe Ambo Stevens and Sean Smith may still be alive but hindsight is 20/20!

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


Oh. They say on their hands cuz we didn't have guns. Got it.


No, don't got it. What?


True, the GOP-controlled congress did pass a bipartisan bill that provided less overall funding than the Obama Administration requested. It is not clear if that this has any causal relationship with the event in Benghazi.

Consider the following statement specifically about Benghazi.

Joe Biden: "We weren't told they wanted more security. We did not know they wanted more security."

So if the Administration had no clue about any need or request for added security specifically in Benghazi, how are we to believe that is where any additional funds would have been directed?

 Entropy ain't what it used to be.




Please get your head out of your ass.

The quote that started it all.

I believe if we want to know what happened in Benghazi, it starts with the fact that there was not enough security. There was not enough security because the budget was cut.

— Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), speech on the Senate floor, May 14, 2013

Funding for embassy security has increased significantly since 2007:
“The Department of State’s base requests for security funding have increased by 38 percent since Fiscal Year (FY) 2007, and base budget appropriations have increased by 27 percent in the same time period”, said the bipartisan Senate Homeland Security Committee report on the Benghazi attack.

Neither the White House, The State Department, nor Democrats in Congress requested additional security funding:
The Report goes on: “However, there was no supplemental or OCO request made by the President for additional diplomatic security enhancements in FY 2010 or FY 2011,” the report pointedly noted. “Neither the Department of State nor Congress made a point of providing additional funds in a supplemental request for Libya, or more specifically, Benghazi.”

During hearings into Benghazi, on October 10, 2012, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State (Hillary, Secretary of State, was never questioned), Charlene Lamb, was asked:
It has been suggested that budget cuts were responsible for a lack of security in Benghazi. And I’d like to ask Ms. Lamb, you made this decision personally. Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?

Her answer?

No, sir.

Again, she was asked:

So there’s not a budget problem. It’s not you all don’t have the money to do this?

Her reply?

Sir, it’s a volatile situation. We will move assets to cover that.

On May 8, 2013, the Regional Security Officer, Eric Nordstrom, was similarly questioned before Congress:
Mr. Nordstrom, you were on that panel. Do you remember what she [Lamb] said?

His answer?

Yes, she said that resources was not an issue. And I think I would also point to the ARB report, if I’m not mistaken, that they talked to our chief financial officer with D.S. [Diplomatic Security], who also said that resources were not an issue.

Even the Accountability Review Board , which released its report in December of 2012, fixed the blame for lack of security at Benghazi squarely on the shoulders of the State Department. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Department:

Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department (the “Department”) resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place.

It is interesting to note that Boxer made her comments after the Accountability Review Board released its report, after Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb testified, and after Eric Nordstrom, Regional Security Officer, testified. In other words, she knew better and was lying.

There are many questions left to be answered about what happened in Benghazi, and what happened after that, but whether Congressional budget cuts had a role to play in security breakdowns is not one of them.


The answer is Clinton didn't give a *beep* did Obama....Libya was fine before they decided to get rid of Quaddafi.....


And to quote Hillary when asked about Benghazi and the dead Americans, "What difference at this point does it make?"

Uh, we're trying to figure out what exactly happened and what the motives for the attacks were, WHO the attackers were, where we made mistakes, how to make sure we do better in the future, and WHO screwed up!

What I heard when Hillary said that was, "Hey, it's over, they're dead, stop bullying me cause I'm a woman, and let's go have lunch."


Clinton put American lives in danger when she chose to have her State Department emails sent to a home private server. It appears her email was hacked during the period when Ambassador Stevens was notifying Clinton of his travel plans and whereabouts.
Stevens contacted Clinton repeatedly, requesting more security and voicing concerns about their safety. Clinton claims she never received those emails....


Gaddafi was deposed by his own people, not the Americans. It was a legit civil war.

You can read about it here:


The OP was just trolling with an inflammatory, misleading, and ultimately meaningless thread title.

 Entropy ain't what it used to be.


I noticed in the movie this scene playing out, a map on a table and the people around the map with Benghazi circled on the map and the different countries on the map that could provide help of some sort?
(Different ETA's on when possible help could get to them.)

And the lady calling someone up asking for help, and the person on the other end of the line asking her "on who's authority are you going to have to approve this?"
I wanted to crawl into this movie and politely take the phone from that ladies hand and ask the individual who asked her for some authority to get his chain of command on the phone and to see if they could not get help for these brave people.


Hillary should have taken the blame Kennedy style like after the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
Would have made her tough, responsible, and accountable and people would have been proud of her for doing so.
Instead she does the old Potomac two step.


It's not really comparable. John F. Kennedy directly ordered the Bay of Pigs invasion, so he was ultimately response. (

In Benghazi, it was Chris Stevens himself who decided to go there.

As Chris Stevens' sister said:

"He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."

And of course, as pointed out, it was Congressional Republicans who cut the security budget.


Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State For International Programs For Diplomatic Security Charlene Lamb testified that the inappropriately low level of security provided for the ambassador that night in Benghazi had nothing to do with budget cuts.

“It has been suggested that budget cuts are responsible for a lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Miss Lamb,” said Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.). “You made this decision personally. Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which lead you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?”

“No, sir,” said Lamb.


"The republican Congress cut funding, not the state department. "

Always the excuse of government incompetence. "We need more money."

Give government more money and what changes in society? Only the size of budget deficits.

The government has a budget to accomplish its job. It is expected to do its job with the resources it is given, and our government has plenty of money and resources to do its job. There is no a dearth of funds for our government departments to do their job; there is a death of competence and common sense, because too many government bureaucrats' decisions are informed more by ideology than by common sense.

Back in the Civil War, when McClellan failed to win battles, Lincoln fired him. He didn't want to hear good excuses as to why McClellan couldn't win battles. He expected victory. McClellan was a general, and it's a general's job to win battles, not try valiantly, fail, and come up with good excuses for those failures.

If you work for government and you can't successfully do your job, then you should be fired. Not come up with good excuses for your failures. You are paid to succeed. Either do so, or get out of the way and let someone else do that job who can.

