MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > Ep4: Fives outfits are ridiculous what d...

Ep4: Fives outfits are ridiculous what do you guys think



I think it's because she gained quite some weight and wants to hide it.


I mean, that's pretty recent, I think she's stayed consistent during filming and off.. but she posts on twitter every now and then so we know that... but oh well, either way, she a pretty gal.


...she gained quite some weight

You mean her breasts?


It's fine. Good for the character and story. However, as someone else mentioned, I wouldn't mind if Ferland got more input if she hasn't already, as long as it's for the sake of her character.


It seems to be the way to distinguish the age difference of characters. Wesley Crusher and Jake Sisko also wore really goofy outfits. But I kind of like it for Five. It adds to her character, and if the show lasts for awhile her wardrobe will evolve as her character does.


Ms Ferland had a long career, as a tiny child actress, playing spooky children and adolescents, when she would have been physically perfect for this role.

There are said to be five stages to the career of a Hollywood actor.
[1] Who is Jodelle Ferland?
[2] Get me Jodelle Ferland!
[3] Get me a Jodelle Ferland type!
[4] Get me a young Jodelle Ferland type!
[5] Who is Jodelle Ferland?

I think the producers told the casting director to find a "Young Jodelle Ferland type", to play Five. But they didn't find one, so they cast the actual Jodelle Ferland.


I don't care what she wears just give her more ways to react than: Deep Breath ... Worried Look ... Deep Breath ... Worried Look ... Deep Breath ... Constipated Look in every freaking scene.


lol You forgot furrowed brow.


Hahaha, yeah that as well.


Well if they had her being more peppy and jumping for joy that would be too distracting.


The crew wears more muted neutral colors because they are suppose to be older and more mature. I think in 5's case she's more of the "cyber punk" look. There are alot of distorted, mixed plaids and bright colors with dyed hair .. She's a street kid, it's the future and they wanted to seperate her from the rest of the crew because she's not a killer and she's a young hacker


I am an average heterosexual man. Thus if you have a complaint about fashion, you have to point out to me what exactly this is about.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.
