MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Ok I have a new prediction for the next ...

Ok I have a new prediction for the next Avengers team

I really cannot believe I didn’t see it before. I just noticed Phase 3 introduced to us 6 heroes with their own first movies. Which Is really possible they will be the new main team.
The only problem could be Paul Rudd since he is now 50. He looks amazing but Robert Still looking great left Iron Man at 54 and I think Kevin wants a team for 10 years just like the original 6.

But anyway Here is the team of 6 Phase 3 introduced to us

Dr Strange
Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Ant Man
The Wasp

In some way phase 3 was phase 1 all over again. It ended the trilogies for Thor and Captain America but mmm we had 6 new all solo movies

Well Ant Man was introduced to us at the very end of phase 2 but we could take it as a phase 3 movie.

Now there is a small chance that maybe we won’t get Strange and Tachalla as main Avengers since they are leaders in their own little worlds which could make them too busy to be full time Avengers.

Dr Strange is the leader of the sanctum he is sorcerers leader and T’challla es the king of Wakanda so maybe they leave their spots free for Two other heroes.

Which could be Thor and the hulk, The falcon and The Winter Soldier Or Falcon/Captain America and War Machine.


Sounds good to me.


I kinda think the Marvel guys are gearing up for X-Men and FF in a few years and Avengers are going to be pushed back. If you think about it, the biggest characters are either done or fading out.

However, there are so many characters they can introduce for Avengers... Hercules, Wonder Man (who I would love to see), Mockingbird (who is essentially Black Widow), Tigra, She-Hulk, Doctor Druid, and more.

Still lying around are Captain Marvel, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Vision(?), Spider-Man, Wasp, War Machine.


Could be another possibility pushing back the Avengers so another team takes center stage. The Infinity Saga was all about The Avengers this new one could be about the XMen and fantastic 4.

Really the infinity Saga could have easily been named The Avengers Saga, even though we had the guardians of the Galaxy The Avengers was the Marvel team so maybe now they want to give the main spot to the X Men.

Now I just watched a few days ago on YouTube a theories video which says marvel instead of making one big Saga they are making 4 mini sagas with one big event. And that video also theorizes that there won’t be one main team but a lot of teams.

And both theories yours and the one I watched on YouTube make a lot of sense. Like you said the glue to the MCU is gone Thor(probably after love and Thunder), Hulk ( has one arm without use) Tony Stark dead and Steve is now old.
Basically the original 6 were the fan’s favorites and Kevin Faige I’m sure knows it would be hard to replace them in the heart of the fans so he maybe now wants to focus on a different team or teams.


In a comic from the late 60s the team consisted of Black Panther, Giant Man/Hawkeye, Vision, and Scarlet Witch. Though I am not sure that would work well in a movie.


It's a good lineup. But wait, where's Hulk at? Is Ruffalo's contract done?


I think Mark Rufallo wants to stay for a little longer but I feel like it will be one or two more films and goodbye.

There is a lot of uncertainty with Marvel due to this global crisis times goes on and maybe when this ends it could make some actors want to leave the franchise or maybe the oppposite make them more eager to stay.

Who knows how much the budget for the movies will change. Let’s hope this crisis ends soon, they find the vaccine and Marvel can finally continue where we left.

I’m really worried how much things will change for Marvel after this.
