Why the obsession with BO numbers?
sharePeople like statistics and records, simple as that.
Its no different to those who study sports players stats or business stats.
I'm suprised no one has set up a fantasy league based on actors and directors box office numbers.
Perri Nimeroff does exactly that on her YouTube channel: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=perri+nemiroff&&view=detail&mid=444E7E09E73051EAF528444E7E09E73051EAF528&&FORM=VRDGAR
She's very upbeat and makes money off of following Box Office Tracking and Predictions. Tons of Youtubers provide the same entertainment information.
Box Office determines which films will get sequels and what kind of films will get made in the future. It's also fun. Like tracking sports statistics, and predicting who will win when two teams play, analyzing the team's strengths and weaknesses etc.
Take Beauty and the Beast for Example. That made a ton of money, and look at all of the shitty Disney live action remakes we're getting as a result. Now anyone with taste could tell that film was a horrible soulless abomination. But it made money, so we get a flood of similar shit films.
TLJ on the other hand saw a huge drop in BO compared to TFA, and then solo was DOA. Suddenly a host of Starwars spinoffs got cancelled.
Shazam was rated as being a good film by most people, but didn't make any waves at the BO, so it will be unilkely to get a sequel.