Your "argument" is asinine.
There has NEVER been a movie like this, and that also goes for how the box office will tail off.
Its hardly the "worst of times" when you consider that Endgame is likely to top Avatar and do it in a fraction of the time.
It is $304million away from besting Avatar.
It is literally IMPOSSIBLE for ANY movie, even Endgame, to maintain a stratospheric box office and not have steep drops once the majority of people have seen it.
There was nothing to spoil in Avatar, you'd have to retell the entire movie to "spoil" it, but Endgame had specific moments in that could affect the desire to see it if they were spoiled, hence the clamour to see it so soon.
If you were genuine about your box office, you'd address this, but you don't, which is why people treat you with derision.
Scott Mendelson isn't very're a "lite" version of him..... thats some boast!
Why don't you throw in another few faux "stay tuned" or any of the other mental phrases you use in an attempt to bolster yourself?
And when it does beat Avatar...... we can rely on you to post a thread with something negative to say, because yet again, you can't predict anything it seems.