how many MCU have you seen at the cinema now?
this was my 8th. as a general rule I don't go to the cinema to see MCU movies very often (unlike DC and Xmen which I always make a point of seeing). so far have seen -
Iron Man 1 - as id been reading about it for years in film magazines when Tom Cruise was going to be Tony Stark. don't think knew it would lead to Avengers or anything back then . don't think anyone did really. didnt stay for post credits sting as don't think even knew about it. when did find out via imdb/utube had vague recollections of Avengers comics specifically one in a Hulk annual I had back in the 80s where try battle The Leader ..and also knew SLJ was the basis of the new Fury in comics years ago so kind of knew about Avengers but not much. overall was an ok/fun movie and the end felt bit like Transformers the previous year. but really it felt abit like a 'tide over' film before the big comicbook dawg that summer - TDK
Incredible Hulk - as always been a really big fan of the Bixby show as a kid and this was like a big budget modern reboot of that more so than 2003. plus bit of a Norton fan due to Fight Club and the Banner role wasn't dissimilar to that and other 'dual role' stuff hed done. was ok better than Ang Lees anyway. don't think realised it was anything much to do with Iron Man or an MCU until the end with Stark which felt like it was heading to 'Avengers' or would it just come to nothing..
Capt America - as it looked like a fun WW2 action movie like Raiders and was directed by The Rocketeer guy. was ok nothing special. bit like IM1 really.
Guardians of the Galaxy - as it looked fun Star Warsy film before there was any new SW with a cool premise of a kid abducted by aliens in the 80s and gets to live his life in a Star Warsy universe. didn't like it much at all the kooky hip style humour etc meh not for me.
Civil War - as everyone was raving about how awesome it was/instant classic like Winter Soldier(which had been deemed the best MCU so far) - esp in comparison to the similarly themed BvS which everyone said was dire. but mainly saw it as seemed like a cool 'VS' movie and that possibly IM or Cap would die at the end. plus it was the chance to see an Avengers movie in everything but name which I hadn't yet seen on big screen just dvd, as well as a new Spiderman after having skipped both the 'Amazing' movies. but was meh about it, much preferred BvS which I think got vilified in part due to coming out the same time almost as Civil War and critics tore it a new ahole for that. but yes could understand CW was obviously an amazing film for MCU fans
Thor Ragnarok - as it looked a fun 80s sword/sorcery type film that they made back then but with todays FX. didn't think anything of the previous Thor films but this was kind of fun. it was abit like a big budget sword/sorcery 80s movie
Infinity War - had to see it as was the big one everything had been building toward with all of them together vs Thanos and there was obviously going to be some deaths at the end and just wanted to see it before I eventually got spoiled on forums/social media if I waited for dvd. and yes it was impressive and shocking esp the ending despite not being much a fan of MCU. this was best one by far for me.. at least until...
Endgame - now the best one its just a undeniable EVENT. bye bye Avatar. unfortunately did get spoiled abit b4 - see here if interested how
so yeah pretty random cinema ones there. tbh some of them were just a case of being out that day and fancied seeing a movie and was like ok MCU will do (Guardians, Civil War) could've quite easily not seen them as happened with the rest. a couple I had planned to see but just didn't get around to e.g. came close to seeing Avengers 2012 as it was such an event movie and had Hulk in it, and was about to go out to see it one afternoon, but in the end decided I couldn't be bothered and never got around to it again (unlike Infinity War/EG) also Dr Strange as although wasnt that familiar with the character beyond just knowing of him as a kid I liked all the Inception/Batman Begins stuff in the trailer and am fascinated by alternate realities/universes and kind of dig Cumberbatch, but again when the time came I didn't get around to it. and GOTG2 looked intriguing despite no liking Vol 1 as it had Kurt and Stallone (thought all those were just ok nothing more when saw on dvd.) all the rest I just seen on dvd (either rented when you could still rent dvds, then when Blockbuster closed just bought when cheap. I even got some of the ones I seen at the cinema when saw them cheap. so actually I own most of the MCU now (except IM123, Antmans, Black Panther) and no even seen the Antmans or Black Panther or Cap Marvel (will check out on dvd one day. Cheap). watching some of them on dvd was very thankful didn't bother with at the cinema (Thor 2, IM2/3, Ultron).