they also mistreat animals by the millions everyday, like it's normal behavior 😢
I have to agree...they LOVED Aquaman!
shareIm curious to know how that makes China any different to the rest of the world. This movie has been successful everywhere.
shareI am Chinese and it is too true, Chinese people are very simple minded and like flashy stuff. Britney Spears is very popular in China for the same reason.
LOL this thread is one of the worst failed trolling attempts I've ever seen....
lol It Fails because In attempt to try and point you believe the film is bad...you point to China, and try to make the claim, "Chinese people most be dumb because it did good there"
The Problem Is, Endgame DID GOOD EVERYWHERE....lol Your attempt goes down in FLAMES....
in Endgame You have a Film The opened #1 in all single 70 + Markets in Opened in...Including Breaking records in 45 of The Markets Literally Opening higher than in film in History
lol Endgame Did Great Literally in The entire World not just China...
lol I'm sorry but if you want to delusionally believe "Audiences are dumb for liking this movie and The Movie doing good"
Your not going to be able to limit that Audience to just CHINA....
Basically If You want to play that game....
You've got to say "Everybody in The Entire World, In Every Market around The Global are DUMB"
I'm not kidding....
Just Starting Making Lists....
Does well in India. moviegoers there are some of the most unsophisticated moviegoers ever.
Does well in Russia. moviegoers there are some of the most unsophisticated moviegoers ever.
Does well in France. moviegoers there are some of the most unsophisticated moviegoers ever.
Does well in Germany. moviegoers there are some of the most unsophisticated moviegoers ever.
and so and so for 66 More time until u list every single Market Endgame Opened in Around the world
see the Problem yet?
lol If you want to Claim People are dumb because the movie did well...your basically entering a delusionally reality where your now saying The Entire World is Dumb.
Now dont you think Its a lot more likely, The Entire World isnt dumb....Endgame did so well in Every Market in The entire world simply because it was a good movie and people liked it....
dont you think Its a lot more likely That THE ENTIRE WORLD isnt in fact Dumb....You simply just have an opinion thats not shared by many?
lol Its fine if you dont like Endgame and YOU Believe ITS DUMB....
Unfortunately, In this case, You cant point to 1 singular Market and claim "Hey It did good there, People must be Dumb there"
That would make sense If Endgame completely BOMBED everywhere else in the world ....
But thats not the case, with Endgame you have a film that Is Universally Praised and Loved in every possible way you can think of....
Its got excellent reviews,excellent ratings, excellent audience scores, Its Broke records and debuted #1 and Made tons of Money in every Market across the entire world....
every possible piece of data points to the movie Is just good and Loved...
Bottom line, If your right, and "doing good" in a Market means The audience is Dumb.....Then You basically trolled yourself into a corner where YOU Made yourself The ONLY SMART person on earth...while the rest of the entire world is dumb
lol think about that....Instead of just admitting you Dislike a movie the rest of the world clearly likes....Your Willing to Literally delusionally believe "Nope The rest of the world is DUMB and I'm right and smart"
again, I think you know, Its much more likely....The rest of the world is NOT Dumb...You just dont like the film and are going to extremely sad and delultional lengths not to accept The Movie is considered great....
In the future before attempting to troll....actually stop and make sure what you are about to say makes sense...
at the core of this trolling attempt it truly doesnt actually makes sense....
Singling out CHINA, DOESNT Work...because EG had the exact same responses and success In The rest of The world as it did in China....
EG would have had to of ONLY had success in China and No where else for this embarrassingly trolling attempt to have made sense...
solid 9 out of 10 here judging Epic fails