No Hulk Vs Thanos

Anyone else gutted we didn't get this? Really thought Hulk was going to have a bigger role to play here in the take down of the big bad. Was hoping he was going to step in when the main three were struggling in the final fight and just go all out one to one with Thanos just smashing the hell out of other with Hulk getting angrier and angrier and of course stronger and maybe managing to overpower Thanos, basically making up for the beat down he got in Infinity War.


IKR. no rematch. :(


Same. I thought he was going to step up big time (physically) and didn't :(


Yea I think they really missed a trick here. Would have loved to have heard the "we have a Hulk" line one more time just as the good guys army were about to appear and for the Hulk to actually have delivered on that line.


I was disappointed in how the Hulk was portrayed here. A Thanos/Hulk rematch would have been epic. They really missed the boat with this.


There is a political agenda at play here. Hulk, Thor, and Quill are all constantly getting shit on now.


You're a paranoid nutcase.

Hulk was a huge hero in this movie. He did a lot and he saved half the universe single-handedly. LITERALLY single-handedly, as in using just one hand.

Thor is suffering from his failure to kill Thanos in the last movie.

Quill... Is always a punchline. That's part of his character. He's a goofball.

How many men are NOT getting shit on:
Hawkeye (heroic), Hulk (heroic), Iron Man (THE #1 hero here), Captain America (considered the heart of the Avengers), Black Panther (heroic), Dr. Strange (heroic), Dr. Strange's buddy (I think Lau? Anyway, heroic), Nick Fury, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, et cetera.

Captain Marvel, a female, was held back (shit on) just like Thor.

Gamora and Black Widow are both permanently dead, like Iron Man now. Two women removed from Avengers, one male removed.

So you truly think there's an agenda? LOL!

Again: Paranoid Nutcase.


gamora is dead?


Yup, it's a shame! I also would like to saw a second round between them and I expected more from Hulk in this movie...


I'm okay with that.

Because Marvel pulled an absolutely unexpected bizarre move regarding Hulk - made his intellectual and scientific contributions the most important thing about him for once! Who saw that one coming...


I think it was brilliant instead of the exact same predictable Hulk we've had in how many... 5 films?... We got something completely different, completely heroic, and undeniably entertaining. Kudos to the Russos!


Look I like the new like sentient thinking Hulk but lets face it Hulk doesn't have a 1 on 1 fight with any of the main antagonists in any of the Avenger films. He doesn't take on Loki, he doesn't go up against Ultron, and he doesn't get a proper fight with Thanos.


He did take on Loki, but since it took him about a millisecond to whup Loki's ass... I suppose "fight" isn't the right word to describe it.
