Fave Scenez

Beginnin wuz masterful way of startin where they left off widout a borin retellin

Wat a weird couple - iron man and neb but daz my fave part bec it seemed hopeless and lonely and had a silent mood similar 2 grate sci fi moviez.

Rescue and reunion chat wuz interestin and funnie.

I think it went downhill when their plot 2 retrieve stonez started. Retrievin 3 stonez in nyc were dull except 4 some hulk humor and maybe dat clever elevator exchange. Soul stone story even duller bec those 2 r my least fave avengerz and so don’t really care wat happen. Power stone retrieval wuz much too easy. I think Thor story wuz interestin bec he’s so fat now and his exchange wid his mum wuz funnie.

Thanos uncoverin their plan is way too long and a def fast fwd.

Puttin stonez on new glove wuz interestin again only 2 be borin again in a disaster recovery scene dat seemed dark and incoherent at timez.

Ze epic battle wuz quite good wid Thor, cap, and stark fightin thanos and much better than IW. Big moment and avengerz assemble speech wuz epic. U almost 4got they brought every1 back so when u remembered it wuz a nice thing there but still didn’t feel as epic when Thor returnz wid stormbraker.

I cud do widout long funeral. I do like all ze small speechz on wat every1 will do next except 4 cap scene which felt way too long. I thought key wuz not 2 change history? I don’t care either way and why end on cap when it’s an avengerz movie? I wud have like every1 2 live and they have after credz scene wid every1 eatin cheeseburgerz.


Even if your first language isn't english can't you use spellcheck or something.
It's difficult reading anything you post..


Fuck it, i'm done with you.

You think this writing "style" of yours is comedic, its not, its tragic. When everyone puts you on ignore and no-one responds to your posts, maybe then you'll learn to not act like a dick.

I thankfully won't have to worry about when that day comes, because on ignore you go.



Good riddance


don't you mean 'gud rit ance"? :)


If you want a serious thread, rewrite this in Legible ENGLISH so we may read it.


Nah just don’t read it


Why do you right like a dick ? It really isn't funny


Ur berf wuz not supposed 2 be funnie but I still laff


He's an idiot. He thinks its hilarious when its all cringe.


It's like 2005 again or something.


Boo yah
