MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Spoiler***Captain America!!!*****

Spoiler***Captain America!!!*****

Am I the only upset that Captain America handed off the mantle to Falcon instead of Bucky, His lifelong friend who is also infused with Super Soldier Serum!!!!!??? He's know Falcon like 5 years. He has known Bucky for 100 years almost!! Am I wrong?? I asked this question at the theater after it was finished and people said I was racist for not wanting it to be passed on to Falcon. I didn't like it because I feel he hasn't the skill set or strength!!


Daz racist against white ppl


I wouldn't say I was pissed that Falcon is going to be the new Cap but I am disappointed. Narratively, it really could have gone either way but Sam does make more sense because Bucky was missing for years, he murdered people even though it was against his will and I think just like Cap, he wants to probably retire and live a normal life seeing as (until the end of this movie anyway) they were both the same age and missed out on a lot of life due to being frozen.

I think though that the people who called you racist for trying to have a conversation about this are actually the racist ones. Surely, if you aren't racist it would be easy to tell and they likely knew you weren't but they were too insecure with themselves that they just had to say it. Plus they probably feel good about themselves for virtue signalling and showing everyone how awesome they are for standing up for a fictional black character in a movie.

Unfortunately, those are the kinds of people that for the most part, Marvel are going to try to pander to and appease going forward with the MCU and because of that, I'm not sure how many more of these movies I can continue to watch. I'll probably stick around for the next Spidey movie, the next Doctor Strange, Guardians/Thor movies, and hell, I'll even give Captain Marvel one more chance to have a good film and actual character development and growth but other than that, I'll just have to see how the newer/future characters solo films hold up and if they suck, I'm abandoning ship.


1. I'm not a Marvel comic reader, but from reading several threads/posts, in the comics he handed the shield over to Falcon.

2. Bucky was lost for quite sometime and believed to be dead. During that time he met Falcon and they formed a friendship so it makes sense that he would hand over the shield to him instead of Bucky and I think somehow Bucky himself knew this and that's why he nodded to let Sam/Falcon know to go talk to Old Cap on the bench.


Throughout his redemption arc, Bucky seems just tired as hell. He's clearly not up to taking on the mantle of Captain America.

Also, notice his metal arm's covered during the final scene. I'm wondering if it's a standard prosthetic arm, because he gave the metal one to Rocket.


Maybe, I didn't even notice that. He should be around the same age as Cap so it makes sense that he too maybe is tired and just wants to live out the rest of his life being normal.


Bucky has been through a lot and, up until Infinity War, was willing to retire to a farm in Wakanda. Sam was still in the superhero game. Cap probably knew Bucky didn't want it.


You don't want an ex-Hydra to be Captain America, do you?
