Rank the MCU villains

The Incredible Hulk - Emil Blonsky/Abomination, General Ross
Iron Man - Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger
Iron Man 2 - Ivan Vanko/Whiplash, Justin Hammer
Thor, The Avengers - Loki
CA The First Avenger - Red Skull
Iron Man 3 - Aldrich Killian
Thor TDW - Malekith
CA TWS - Alexander Pierce, Rumlow
Avengers AoU - Ultron
Ant-Man - Darren Cross/Yellowjacket
CA Civil War - Zemo, Crossbones
Doctor Strange - Dormammu, Kaecilius
Spiderman Homecoming - Vulture
Thor Ragnarok - Hela
Black Panther - Killmonger
GotG - Ronan
GotG 2 - Ego
Avengers IW - Thanos, Ebony Maw

This is just a list, not my ranking. Add others in case I've missed someone :)


So you're ranking them from worst to best, in descending order.

Here's mine then, using the same method EXCEPT I'm listing in terms of actual powers (mind, strength, augmented strength with suits and then the truly super-powered beings by tech or magic). This list isn't dependent on the rankings of the movies, just the powers of the villains.

Cap Am: WS - Alexander Pierce
Cap Am: CW - Zemo
Iron Man 3 - Aldrich Killian
Black Panther - Killmonger
Cap Am: CW - Crossbones
Iron Man - Iron Monger
Iron Man 2 - Whiplash
Spider-man: HC - Vulture
Ant-Man - Yellow Jacket
Cap Am: FA - Red Skull
Hulk - Abomination
Avengers 2 - Ultron
GOTG - Ronan The Accuser
Doc Strange - Keacilius
Thor/Avengers - Loki
GOTG 2 - Ego
Thor: DW - Malekith
Thor: RR - Hela
Avengers: IW - Thanos


Oh, it's not my ranking, I was just listing them :)


Here are a few more:

Thor - Laufey
Thor The Dark World - Kurse
Winter Soldier - Batroc
GOTG - Korgath, Yondu, Nebula
GOTG Vol 2 - Taserface, The Sovereign


Only gonna rank my personal favorites, which won’t include the TV villains and former baddies like The Winter Soldier & Nebula (who would easily make my top 10)...

Avengers IW - Thanos
Avengers/Thor - Loki
Thor: Ragnarok - Hela
Avengers IW - Proxima Midnight & Ebony Maw
Avengers AoU/Black Panther - Ulysses Klaue

Avengers AoU - Ultron (always liked him)
CA: The First Avenger - Red Skull
Spiderman: Homecoming - Vulture
CA: Civil War - Crossbones (wish we could have seen more of him)
Thor: Ragnarok - The Grandmaster (more please!)
Black Panther - Killmonger
Doctor Strange - Kaecilius
CA: Civil War - Zemo
Thor - Laufey
Captain America WS - Alexander Pierce
Thor: Ragnarok - Surtur
Iron Man 2 - Justin Hammer
Spiderman: Homecoming - Shocker
GOTG - Ronan

Thanos is down the MCU’s biggest baddie yet, as far as I’m concerned. And for all the complains the villains get, I appreciate the majority of the villains the MCU has had to offer.


I totally agree with your last statement and believe that people bemoaning "weak villains" were just trying to find anything to complain about in the MCU. The "weak villains" charge has always been 100% nonsense.


In some cases, it's warranted. Malekieith, Kacelius, Killian, and Yellowjacket were pretty boring imo.

Still, I wish more people would realize how awesome Zemo was.


I think Zemo was a brilliant villain. Cunning and patience were his strongest traits. He played Captain America, he played them all. In the end, he got exactly what he wanted.


Zemo remains my favourite Marvel villain.

His motivation was very human and I can relate more to him than any other villain in the series of films. He knew he was outgunned in this fight but still went ahead with his plan and in the end he succeeded more than anyone else (up until Thanos). Great character.


Yep. He had no powers, no armor, no super weapons, and doesn't even throw a punch. In fact, he barely saw any of the heroes face-to-face and he still won.


Favorites in no particular order: Loki, Hela, Killmonger.

Least favorites in no particular order: Ultron, and "FRANCIS!!" from Deadpool.

No, FRANCIS!! from Deadpool is the worst, because I spend the whole movie waiting for the real villain to show up.


as for Ranking The MCU Villains, I think Id have to do it in 3 different ways....

The Best/My Favorite

The Most Powerful/Threatening

and Performance based by The actor playing The Villain/The character Ark-

So List 1-The Best/My Favorite MCU Villains is-
The Winter Soldier(in Cap 2)
Johann Schmidt/Red Skull
Ronan the Accuser
Emil Blonsky/Abomination
Obadiah Stane/Iron-Monger
Darren Cross/Yellowjacket
Alexander Pierce
Justin Hammer
Ego the Living Planet
The Grandmaster
Aldrich Killian/
The Mandarin/Trevor
Batroc(Not awful, but basically forgotten)

List 2-The Most Powerful/Biggest MCU Threat-
Ego the Living Planet
Ronan the Accuser(with Power Stone In Hammer/Staff)
Emil Blonsky/Abomination
Aldrich Killian
Johann Schmidt/Red Skull
The Winter Soldier(in Cap 2)
Darren Cross/Yellowjacket
Obadiah Stane/Iron-Monger
The Grandmaster
lol who cares after this, the final 6 are just Humans
Alexander Pierce
Justin Hammer
The Mandarin/Trevor

List 3-The Best Performances by an Actor Playing an MCU villain or Best Take on an MCU villain-

Thanos(Brolin Killed it+some of the Greatest CGI I've ever seen)
Loki(Hiddleson's Loki over the course on Many films Is Amazing, He was Born to play the role)
Killmonger-(Michael B Jordan was fantastic, His Villain may have the best Ark and Motives of any Villain In CBM history)
The Winter Soldier(in Cap 2)(for me The Winter Soldier may be the single most underrated Villain In CBM history, his Role in Cap 2 Is Perfect, They 1000% nailed his character and made him the perfect "Terminator like Assassin"...Stan was Great as well)
Zemo(the actor did ok, Ultimately Zemo is a great villain because of the writing, Hes A Plotting Villain, A tactician ...He Actual Won...)
Johann Schmidt/Red Skull(Hugo was fantastic, Red Skull was a Good Villain)
Vulture(MK was great, The Villain was actually somewhat respectable, doing things for his family)
Emil Blonsky/Abomination(The Classic Battling Time/Age story...Blonsky is past his prime Getting Older, cant do what he used to do, Then witnesses something as astonishing as The Hulk, getsa taste of The Super Soldier Serum, Has TO HAVE more...Good villain)
I'm not ranking any more, after this I feel they are pretty much Just Fighting/Threatening Villains, I dont feel any more are great Arks or great Performances

I'm huge MCU fan and love 17 of the 19 MCU films....But I'm also not biased....the biggest Flaw in the MCU films have been Weak villains, and thats actually by design...Fiege is on record saying He wants to focus on The hero....Especially With Solo and Debuting Movies, they want to nail The Hero in These movies....

But IMO The MCU has officially fixed Their Villain Problems delivering Excellent villains in Phase 3....

Zemo was terrific....His Plan was Masterful
Hela was an Unbeatable Threat PLayed Great by Cate
Killmonger was An All Time Great Villain With An Amazing story and motivation
Vulture was a Good Villain that because Of His "Family Motives" was unique
and Then We Get Thanos...The single Greatest Threat ever put on screen in a CBM and IMO the 2nd greatest villain in a CBM....

Marvel Studios has now not only fixed their One Problem but EXCELLED.....

They are not just making Good villains now, But Great Villains...

and Ironically DC which in the Past was Making Great Villains....Is now making some of the worst Villains in CBM history...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Doomsday was a train wreck....
CGI Incubus ...LOL
CGI Ares....
and dear GOD the One of worst Villain in CBM and The Worst CGI in CBM history Steppenwolf(worth noting I originally Typed "The Worst Villain In CBM history" but then remembered Leto's Joker exists, So I changed it to "One Of"

which brings me to...........somehow WB/Snyder....Managed To KILL The 2 Biggest and Most ICONIC Villains in DC comics history ONLY 3 films into Starting a Cinematic Universe....

Jess's Lex and Leto's Jokers were so universally hated and such embarrassing creative failures....You Literally can not go forward with them....at this point WB has to recast....

somehow WB managed to Miscast and and screw these 2 ICONIC villains up so horrifically....The ONLY possible way to go forward with them is to completely recast and start over...

in conclusion....I'm not sure theres ever been Worse Villains in a series of films than what has happened so far in The 5 DCEU films...

They are all the exact same Giant CGI monsters that have no real Motives , Literally just there for the hero's to fight, and Then the villains that arent CGI trainwrecks are either ALL TIME Miscasts or ALL TIME creative failures...


Best to worst:

Red Skull

I wish people wouldn't give Ronan such a hard time. I'm glad they're bringing him back for Captain Marvel.
