Giant Peter Dinklage!

This was the best moment yet in any Marvel film... Possibly in ANY film.


They really thought they were being clever. That was so stupid, I literally stopped watching and gave up at that point.


Lighten up. It was a great moment!


It really was one of the best moments in the film. Guitar King wantonly hates on anything associated with this film, so he can safely be ignored.


Hey everybody, FilmBuff has given you his permission to ignore me. You better do what he says. LOL!


You literally stopped watching, so that means you just listened to the rest of the movie. Was it cool like a radio thing?


So you paid money for a movie, was invested enough to at least get through half of it, then got up and walked out of a theater when you saw a giant dwarf? Kind of a waste of money if you ask me.


It made sense though. Dwarves are known throughout fictional literature to be the best weaponsmiths, and the equipment required to utilize power from a neutron star would most likely be massive.


Yeah, the dwarfs are the weaponsmiths of the Norse mythology that brought us Thor, and he couldn't possibly go outside his own mythos for a weapon!

And more Dinklage is always welcome.


It was definitely a surprise. I kept thinking he was merely going to provide a voice over that vaguely resembled him but this was even better!


That moment got one of the biggest laughs from the audience every time I watched. Soo good!
