MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > AIW now the 4th film ever to top 2 Billi...

AIW now the 4th film ever to top 2 Billion +....

2 Billion +

Many box office Record and records including some of the biggest and most important records....

The Most Successful CBM of all time

The Most Profitable CBM of all time...

The Avengers Franchise Is Now Officially Box Office 's Most Bankable Franchise...ONLY franchise ever to start off With Three 1.4 Billion dollar + films....

Will Soon become 4 after Avengers 4 ....

and actually If we Count Civil War(which is an Avengers films) that will be 5 straight 1 Billion dollar + films...

Avengers could also become the only franchise in history with Two 2 Billion + films if Avengers 4 has similar success as Avengers IW...


I don't usually put too much emphasis in early box office numbers, but $2 billion seems like a reasonable expectation.


I agree with weekend will tell the tale. I'm also interested to see today"s numbers and the daily holds.


Avengers IW breaks April Record With 25 Million + Monday....

thats ahead of Jurassic World, The Avengers and The Last Jedi's Monday gross...

Black Panther and The Force Awakens both had 40 M+ monday, but that was due to Holidays....

out of the 6 films to open over 200 M....AIW had the best Monday of the 3 that opened during Non Holidays...

the big stat here is AIW is had a Monday as Big as Jurassic World, JW opened in June when Schools are out and Weekdays are always much bigger, school arent out yet and AIW still had a Monday as big as JW....that may suggest AIW could be heading toward holds simlar to JW...If thats the case were easily looking at a 650 to 700 M+ domestic gross....but its extremely early



AIW Is a box office Juggernaut overseas ...It made 70 M+ Yesterday...

Its at 443 Million Overseas after 5 days while ONLY playing in 70% of its markets and NO CHINA and RUSSIA

AIW may be around 1.3 Billion WW By Sunday...

Avengers IW current Total is 725 Million WW...It made a combined almost 100 Million yesterday...

reply you think Jurassic World has a shot at beating this next month?


That wouldn't be a wise bet. I don't even see how it beats Jurrasic Worlds 1 OW. It doesn't have the 'hook'(park opening) or the 'nostalgia' factor. I see a drop like The Last Jedi. It's not getting WW OW either since it has a staggered released.


No not even close...

If you look at the history of films opening 200 M +(which is only 6) the sequels always have a decline...

Avengers IW is the LONE example of a Sequel that made more than its predecessor after its original opened over 200 M, but even Then It was the 3rd film and not the 2nd film, AOU didnt make 200 M coming off Avengers 1

as for JW2, I think its going to have a BIG Decline, somewhere between 140 to 165 on OW....

I'm still not entirely sure Why JW1 performed the way it did....Literally nothing pointed to it opening that high...all tracking put it between 90 to 120 Million on OW(its one of the very best examples of Tracking just completely missing) and then once it opened, I'm not exactly sure why it had Holds the way it did, It got good reviews but not Great, Audience reaction were good but not Overwhelming...

for me personally JW1 is one of the ODDEST results in Box office history...


OW- 140 to 165 M

Total Domestic-380 to 450 Million(probably closer to 400 Mish)

World Wide-1.1 to 1.3 Billion

A Smash hit, But no where near the first...

I was be would be simply STUNNED if JW 2 gets within 30 Million dollars of JW1s OW...But as I said, I was stunned and am still stunned by JW1s OW...Maybe there is just something with this franchise that cant be calculated or measured in Tracking and JW2 will drastically over perform like JW1...But giving everything I know about Box office and Given the history of films Opening over 160 Million(let alone 200 M)....Its extremely unlikely the sequel Will match the Predecessors OW.

what are you thinking on JW 2 queen? OW, domestic and WW predictions?


i'd say everything you've said makes sense regarding jw2, and i'd make more or less the same prediction, but i also have the same qualifier as you: the first film's success seems like such a head-scratching anomaly, that perhaps the box office reaction this time will be more of the same.

i'm a little surprised by the enormity of aiw's success so far, but it's not blindsiding. every marvel film of the past few years has been very successful, so this can be thought of as a climax that's been building. i don't think there's an equivalent response in store for that dinosaur film, but the proof of the pudding will be in the eating, as they say.


As far as AIW success...I admit I didnt believe it would do this welll...But I can at least somewhat explain/understand why its doing this well ...

#1, Its clear A Large portion of The Audience that saw BP did in fact carry over to AIW....I've said many times in my posts, I read an article where a company did a poll where they concluded at least 17 to 20% of tickets sold to BP were by People who had never seen another CBM in theaters before, this audience was OLDER African Americans and WAY upper class African Americas and ONLY saw BP because they were Proud and felt it was Important....I did not believe this audience would carry over to AIW....I think some Probably did now...

#2 Marvel Studios is on a 2 year 7 Films Hit streak that is simply unprecedented and has Unequivocally made their Audience Grow...Civil War, Doctor Strange, GOTG2, Spider-Man HC, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther and AIW...These Films has had A Massive Increase in Box office from The Phase 2 films, going into AIW, you had 5 out of The Last 6 MCU films opened over 115 Million on Opening Weekend, 5 out of The Last 6 MCU films grossed over 300 Million Domestically, 5 out of The Last 6 MCU films grossed over 850 M World Wide... 5 out of The Last 6 MCU films had over 90% on RT...This 2 year Streak of Incredibly Successful MCU films, clearly grew the Audience and Made Hype and Goodwill going into AIW Literally the highest it could possibly be, When you have 2 years worth of films that are that Great and That Successful, Its literally not possible to go into a movie with anymore goodwill...

#3 The Movie itself...this movie has several things going for it that make it the ULTIMATE Event film....first The Number of Superheros, 29 Superheroes in this film, with 29 of the biggest and hottest Actors in Hollywood, No film has ever had a cast like this or will ever again, to see this many Superheroes in the same film from 6 different Franchises all crossing over in this one film is literally not once in a lifetime...but ONCE EVER...Next, The 10 years build up, Marvel did a masterfully job Marketing this film as "10 years in the making" and "everything has built to this"....when you have 18 films that are all Successful and all Liked to Loved and they all are building to this, and most importantly when The Audience has actually seen those 18 Films(I posted an article where a survey showed 91% of the tickets sold on Opening Weekend where by people that had seen all 18 MCU films) When you have damn near 90% of the audience that invested that they've seen all 18 Films leading up to This Event film, thats Unprecedented. and Finally The Quality of the movie, From an All time Great Villain, To Major Deaths, To Incredible Action, To AN ALL TIME Stunning Ending.

there are clear reasons why I can now see why AIW is performing Better than I expected....

as for JW1, I just dont see any reason why that film performed like that


I was also puzzled at JW's success but then again Universal knows how to produce low-brow crap that the masses gobble up...just look at Illumination. Cheap, loud and crass cartoons that are the envy of the industry and merchandising behemoths.

But I digress...Universal knows how to kick box office butt with low, mid and big budget films and even their biggest budgets are below the industry norm. The budget for JW1 was only 150 million.

My prediction:

Domestic OW: 185-200million
Total domestic:500 million

WW: 1.5 billion


Domestic OW: 185-200million


IMO you going to be WAY Usual


We'll see.


That's just Crazy. Any info on how quickly it's setting these records, compared to previous record-holders?


I read that Infinity War is expected to reach $1 billion on its 8th or 9th day of release. The Force Awakens is currently the fastest film to reach that benchmark, and did so on its 12th day.


$60M Overseas on a Monday is utterly insane. Words can't describe how much of a success this movie is. I thought $1.6B was my hope before the movie released (slightly above Avengers 1) but this is blowing through all expectations. The fact it would've opened with $800M+ with China and Russia is also bonkers. Disney cannot be stopped!


Update 2...

Tuesday....Dear God Avengers had a bigger Tuesday that Monday adding another 88 M total

1 Billion by Friday.....1.3 Billion + by Sunday....

2 Billion + seems almost a certainity now

WOM must be great to keep having Box office like this


Wednesday Box office.......17 M Domestically and 32 Million Overseas...Combined 49 Million Wednesday gross....Avengers new total 857 Million


Thursday Box office.......15.5 M Domestically and 32 Million Overseas...Combined 47.5 Million Wednesday gross....Avengers new total 905 Million....Debuted in Russia to Biggest Opening Day of All Time!
