MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Was this the DUBMEST MOMENT IN THE HISTO...


It's already bad enough they turn Star Lord into an idiot who can't wait five seconds to beat the crap out of a soon-to-be-defenseless Thanos -- but as soon as Star Lord started punching Thanos, why didn't Spidey spend half a second to subdue Star Lord with web spray and then go back to ripping the gauntlet off?


It creates drama and tension to have Star Lord abusing Thanos which if it wakes him out of the trance will prevent them taking the gauntlet and thereby removing Thanos' ability to wreak havoc. This situation can be explained logically by seeing Star Lord has being both impetuous and devoted to his love Gamora whom Thanos has killed. You saw earlier how hard it was for him to sacrifice her life even if it was according to her wishes, which was to prevent Thanos taking and holding her prisoner forever? His self-control is open to question as a result.

Meanwhile, Stark and Spidey are desperately trying to remove the gauntlet which is probably quite heavy and needs more than one person to tackle it so their focus is primarily on that task.


because in real life when people find out there love ones are dead. There not emotional at all and act like nothing happens. Because that how things people act when there love ones are murdered. People who think this is the dumbest moment ever. Are dumbass how don't understand simple human emotions.


It was not the dumbest moment in the history of film but it did prevent the dumbest moment in the history of film.

If Quill did not do what he did we would have seen Thanos, who kicked Hulk's ass so bad that Hulk does not want to come out be defeated because he could not keep his fist clenched???? WTF THAT would have been really dumb.


It was not the dumbest moment in the history of film but it did prevent the dumbest moment in the history of film.

If Quill did not do what he did we would have seen Thanos, who kicked Hulk's ass so bad that Hulk does not want to come out be defeated because he could not keep his fist clenched???? WTF THAT would have been really dumb.


History of film? Probably not. In the history of the MCU, yes. Was it predictable like a lot of the major plot points in the film? Yes. Even though predictable, do they all still work and create a great movie? Yes, which is actually pretty amazing.


"but as soon as Star Lord started punching Thanos, why didn't Spidey spend half a second to subdue Star Lord with web spray and then go back to ripping the gauntlet off?"

First thing I thought of. Given how much spidey is agile and always so aware of his surroundings.


I love how no one is holding Nebula accountable for verbalizing possibly the worst thing for Quill to hear in the middle of their plan while he was standing right in front of Thanos as well. I realize the truth hurt her too, but surely she had to have realized that was the most inconvenient time to say that due to the circumstances. Then again, it's like her to act impulsive whilst being angry.


Because if you'll remember, Dr. Strange already used his Infinity stone to run through 14,000,000 scenarios and so they already tried a scenario where Star Lord doesn't attack Thanos and it still didn't work. Strange's plan is all still running as expected
