Lots of critics don't seem to get superhero movies
So I just read an online article at Vox, written by Tod VanDerWerff. This writer laments that Marvel Studios hasn't really "taken on" American hegemony by being more political with their storylines. He seems to suggest that Black Panther is a move in the right direction but that even it lets up at the end.
In reading this piece, I was struck at just how little Mr. VanDerWerff seems to understand about comic books and comic book movies in general. This isn't just a confusion on his part, he flat-out doesn't get the point of the movies. He wants them to make big, bold anti-American statements, thus surely alienating at least 65% of the consumers who throng to see Marvel movies.
It's called FUN, Mr. VanDerWerff!
Aren't our daily lives already consumed enough with left-think and right-think talking points, constantly hurled at us? It's all in our news, on T.V. and in water cooler conversations. You can't get away from it and it's aggravating. Superhero movies give audiences a slate of characters we can ALL root for and invest (both emotionally and philosophically) in their stories. Why sully these stories by injecting one worldview and political points into the mix?
Trust me, Marvel Studios needs to steer clear of divisive politics and keep their stories intriguing, tight and fun (there's that word again). You can make a movie like Black Panther or Captain America: Civil War, which address big questions (as they relate to our current state of things), without getting overly partisan. Both of those movies were good at asking hard questions, without crossing a line.
Marvel Studios should take heed of what happened to Marvel's comics line, when they chose to go PC and change the origins and motivations of popular characters. Their sales plummeted. Comic book readers (the ones who buy and read comic books), hated the revised characters and stories. That's not ole Darth here, making stuff up. It's a cold fact. Just look at their sales numbers from the new lines. They suck. Marvel Comics has previously acknowledged "a problem" with their new lines, although they haven't been totally honest about the cause.
So please Marvel Studios, keep turning out quality movies and don't muddy them with ugly politics. It would be the downfall of the superhero movie genre. Remember the fun. That's what made your current run of 18 movies a huge financial success and a joy to behold by audiences. Simple, heartfelt, childlike FUN!!!