Not bad... not great... somewhere in the middle.
Just watched this the other night at our local small town cute and quaint cinema.
I felt the first hour or so was flattish, hardly any humour and I wasn't gravitating towards Brie much, second half seemed to pick up, some humour started to flow, the comicbook vibe was kicking in and things just generally got better.
Some points;
- I thought they did great with managing to make SLJ look younger, however part of me feels they missed an opportunity here (same goes for Coulson here as well). When we saw him fight he got his ass handed easily, he actually kinda fought like an old man lol. It would have been nice to see him really kick ass, show the world why he got to be such a big shot in the later movies etc. I mean I know his strength is his brain, out cunning people, always being one step ahead etc, but you know... be nice to see a body double do some of the ass kicking scenes and just kinda amp it up a bit, Jason Bourne style.
- I find the rating system across the MCU a bit odd at times, I know my youngest was pretty traumatised at the end of Infinity War when folk turned to dust (especially Groot). I wonder how they slap a rating on a film, probably sticking to themes of swearing, drug use etc, do they ever really understand that just a simple plot aspect of a film can be difficult for some viewers? Anyway, in terms of this film it felt a bit like a U or PG rated film, too soft imo and quite a contrast to say Winter Soldier or Infinity Wars. I can't help feel this film would have been better if some of the one on one fight scenes had that harder action vibe like what Winter Solider/Jason Bourne films seemed to have, the action here just felt quite flat and not very memorable.
- Brie. Was she really best choice? I didn't think she did very well here, but then I don't think Chris Evans did very well in his first outing as Cap USA.
Well... there's my 2 cents. Worth watching but perhaps only once.