So if I made a post...
...that said "so-and-so male is an arrogant prick..." and listed the reasons why, would it be removed as well, like the equivalent post about Brie Larson? Somehow, I highly, highly doubt it. Because now apparently, in the minds of the far-left ideologues, any criticism towards women is automatically labeled as "misogyny." Meanwhile, the harshest critiques pointed toward men are not only a-okay, but will often be encouraged.
If women are so strong and independent, why do you feel the need to coddle and protect them from all criticism? You wouldn't give the same treatment to a man, would you? "Equality", ladies and gentlemen. None of this makes any sense whatsoever. And let me be clear, I don't want critiques removed, harsh as they may be... about anyone, from any side. Let it be destroyed by subsequent posts, if it is so logically unsound.
So what exactly is this site coming to, if mods are listening to "snowflakes" (his words) like BrunoAntony, someone who is so threatened by opinions he disagrees with that he feels the need to suppress them. Are actions like this going to become a common thing? If so, what a sad state of affairs this is...
“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”