MovieChat Forums > Childhood's End (2015) Discussion > I cannot addequetly express the depth of...

I cannot addequetly express the depth of my hatred for this

Dark movies and tv shows have their place, and I can sometimes even enjoy them.
But this was like a 4 and 1/2 hour meditation on predestination and oblivion, it served no purpose whatesoever accept as an ALMOST-documentary of humanities extinction and even that....with a whimper and not a it cannot even be called entertaining by those standards.

Excepting the actors, everyone involved with making this should be burned alive, they obviously have nothing left to contribute to this world.

And the parents getting all suicidal...are you kidding me...(pun intended), sure maybe 1 in 50 or 1 in 500, but all of them suddenly lose all sense of self-preservation....hahahahahahaha...

I don't have kids and probably never will.
I don't hate them, but I could go on all my life never seeing another one again and I wouldn't die of sadness.....what about those people, the childless...

And the devil looking people.....when Karrellen revealed himself I was like WOW....they could have taken that concept and it could have gone in about a billion different directions, all fascinating and exciting and instead we get this documentary like funeral procession into oblivion of humanity, even the scientist in the end does nothing with his life but surrender it...pointless.

This is by far the greatest (and I am not being hyperbolic) dissapointment for a TV movie I have ever watched...I thought they would go somewhere interesting with it up until the end of the 2nd part in the 3 peice, and then they do nothing but run out the time until the producers cash their checks......F#CK YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only 2 books have I ever thrown to ground because I could not believe what I was reading, one book about half way through and another at the end....there was just something fundamentally wrong in it I could not articulate, only emote in an aggressive refusal to accept what I had been dealt....and if this had been a book, it would be my 3rd, I think I would tear this one up, the spit on it, then get some gasoline, and have my first official book burning, then for the first time in my life, I would write a letter to the author and wish him a long slow death by anal cancer....the kind that gradually destroys any sense of human dignity and makes us wish the world would end...

I hate this, I will always hate my last moments of life after I have reflected on all the good things in my life, I will save a moment to come back to this and hate on it for a minute and hope that all the people that made it happen had lives of incomprehensible misery and never recovered from the shame that their families felt at being associated with them...

I hate it that much.
And I'd like to shout out a last but least bit of hatred for SyFy for this attrocity....I hope your channel dies and all of the execs go imponderable scum.......


And the parents getting all suicidal...are you kidding me...(pun intended), sure maybe 1 in 50 or 1 in 500, but all of them suddenly lose all sense of self-preservation....hahahahahahaha...

I love your rant and think it is spot on. This board is filled with a self annointed 'experts' who try to explain away the defects in this turkey by claiming "This is what the book says."

Oh barf! This provides a very revealing example of how religious sectional strife happens. With arrogant gurus claiming to have the ultimate understanding of truth that the masses lack because they have studied 'the Book'. What utter hogwash. I see the same thing on Dune and Lord of the Rings web sites. The miniseries must stand or fall on its merits. On that basis CE falls flatter than an overdone souffle. Forget about the stupid book. This web site is about the miniseries.

I am especially offended by people who discount those who do not have children arrogating some special knowledge to themselves as parents. Hey Clarence that's just hormones talking, natures way of keeping you from killing and eating the rotten brats...I mean sweet darlings before they get old enough to go out and get jobs, if they ever do. You'll feel differently when they come home with a $20,000 credit card debt that you are now responsible for. I guarantee it!

The whole suicide thing is one more example of diaper sniffing that has infected our culture and is prevalent in tv drama as a trope. The idea that parents live or die for their children, even commit crimes to keep them safe and that nothing else matters.

diaper sniffer:
A word defined by George Carlin. Its a special kind of bull$hit that has taken hold in this country for the last 30-40 years. Something that could be called child worship. Its this excessive devotion to children. I'm talking about today's professional parents. These obsessive DIAPER SNIFFERS!!! Who are over scheduling and over managing their children and robbing them of their childhood.


@siaryl... It's unfortunate that Syfy didn't make an "honest" adaptation of the book, so that you could have had a valid reason for disliking it.

I will not be purchasing the home-video edition.



Thank you for this, truly. This almost perfectly matches my opinion about this garbage.



>>>And I'd like to shout out a last but least bit of hatred for SyFy for this attrocity....I hope your channel dies and all of the execs go imponderable scum.......

c'mon! the execs at SyFy/Comcast don't even have the brains to accomplish that!


I think the public is slowly evolving past the SyFy channel-and they are CLUELESS!

But at least we have COMET!!!! (vomit)


I think the public is slowly evolving beyond the SyFy channel-and they are CLUELESS!

But at least we have COMET!!!! (vomit)


....and if this had been a book



"Football in the groin, football in the groin"
