apparently IMDB thinks we are all masochists and only read message board to suffer abuse, so it's not a positive experience. That and all the poor souls who are forced to read the posts on the boards!
"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau
I actually only came to IMDB JUST to use the boards because I genuinely enjoyed getting others' inputs, having questions answered, and generally getting updates about the show. Other than that, there really isn't any other reason to come on here unless you just want to look up old movie which you could actually do on Wikipedia.
Without the forums, what is the point of coming to this site? The forums occasionally provided early news and info on the shows we love. It's just a damn shame that, just like in elementary school, a few rotten apples spoils it for everyone because they just did not have the emotional and mental capacity to act like an adult. I'll probably cancel my account once the boards go down because more than likely I won't be on here at all, anymore.
I've refrained from posting about some of the shows I've watched and several of the first run movies I've seen over the past year, just because i didn't want to jostle someone else's egg basket/rice bowl.
I like movies and subscribe to lots of streaming services but never really felt that I was apprised enough on classic films to weight ratings of movies against each other.
So I just voted them 10 or passed them by because there is just too much negativity on the internet to give out down votes.
Thanks trolls for ruining something real fun, I enjoyed coming to the message boards and getting incite from people who saw things differently than I do, maybe they paid a little TOO much attention (lol) but honest observations helped me to look at movies differently, For instance someone's thought that Phantasm Ravager was a mind F that the tall man was doing to Reggie, made me view the movie in a different light that I wouldn't have thought of on my own.
so bye guys, I've greatly enjoyed our time together and will hold out hope that someday these boards will come back (Sans trolls) so we can all enjoy talking about our favorite (or not so favorite) films and TV shows.
I am so surprised people come here for stuff other than the message boards, the boards / trivia and goofs are the only reasons I visit IMDB. Even the written reviews are really biased. Everything on IMDB I can get on google side bar when I do a search or wikipedia. Wikipedia often has more info.
I think they are using trolling as an excuse. Amazon owns IMDB and now has its own streaming service and is starting to create content. These message boards with opinions can take away from their profits. It is not good PR if a bunch of people talk about how the quality dropped, saw it all in the trailer, spoilers, etc, etc.
IMDB will be nothing more than linked in for hollywood. has just added a message board feature. I hope it will be like these boards, and not like trakt where it is just a bunch of people commenting, and no discussions around topics. Even reddit, things get downvoted and disappear. This format seems the best, even thought it is kind of 90s.