MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (2017) Discussion > Heather Grahm wants to return to Twin Pe...

Heather Grahm wants to return to Twin Peaks

This would probably never happen, for several reasons (and some quite obvious). But it did get me thinking about Annie's absence from S3 of TP's.

It reminded me of a double cheat: 1) Cooper's love interest in Dianne instead of Annie (Cooper/Dianne came out of nowhere) and 2) Mr. C's assault of Audrey before leaving the hospital (Audrey/Cooper were not an item -- Mr. C would have more logically targetted Annie who was also in the hospital).

For the record I absolutely love S3, but the blatantly forced narrative for Coopers love interest is there for all to see.

As for Annie, I suppose Mark Frost gave us the only closure we're going to get in Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier. To a lesser extent Lynch in Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces.


Yeah it’s pretty weird that Annie was ignored in S3. I know she was a last minute romantic replacement because the actors objected to Cooper dating high-schooler Audrey (with whom he had great chemistry) and I’m guessing Lynch had little interest in her.

But then again, he did include her in Fire Walk With Me 🤔

She’s not a great character but she’s crucial to Cooper’s journey. Hell, the only reason he was stuck in the Black Lodge for 25 years was because he went in to save her!

Anyway, I doubt we’ll see her again. Lynch is 80 and has emphysema, I’d be surprised if he directs anything else, and S3 was his magnum opus, he ain’t reopening that door.

It’s possible that a greedy studio might try to make some Twin Peaks content in the future, possibly involving Annie, but without Lynch it’s worthless. If Lynch isn’t involved it ain’t Twin Peaks.


"It’s possible that a greedy studio might try to make some Twin Peaks content in the future . . "


" . .possibly involving Annie, but without Lynch it’s worthless."


"If Lynch isn’t involved it ain’t Twin Peaks."

Agreed in full.
