MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (2017) Discussion > Why was Cooper acting like Mr. C in the ...

Why was Cooper acting like Mr. C in the finale?

At the Sheriff's station he was the old Cooper, talking and giving a heartfelt speech, then after he went through the doorway from then on he almost acted and talked just like Mr. C. Especially at the diner when the cowboys got in his face, he easily defeated them. Then he slowly and creepily walked toward the waitress and told her in a very cold and emotionless voice "Write the address down on a piece of paper" while pointing a gun at her.

I swear its like he was Mr. C, he was no longer very talkative and friendly like the old Cooper. He was like a good version of Mr. C, he had all the traits of him like not talking very much and sounding very cold and robotic when he did talk, but he was out for a good cause.


As used to be said on the old IMDb:

Salient post.


Could Cooper have become, either after they passed mile marker 430, or after the sex with Diane, a sort of "grey" Cooper, a mixture of good Cooper/bad Cooper?


Thats what it seemed like, as if he was right there in the middle of both personalities, not exactly good but not exactly bad either. Which was frustrating since we waited so long for the old Cooper to come back, and when he did it was for about 10 minutes, then we got the "grey Cooper" after he and Diane went through that portal.


I reckon Lynch knew people would want Cooper, so he withheld him for most of the series, gave everybody what they wanted for a "moment" toward the end, and then yanked it away. That's Lynch for ya. God love 'em.


those so-called "cowboys" were posers
